Is my stock ok?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I would add swordtails they are my favorite.
It is irresponsible to recommend fish solely on the basis that you like them. Swordfish require hard water and we cannot suggest these without checking their needs will be met. The need for more space has already been addressed.
In my opinion i think that a 30 gallon could have 3 happy swordtails no problem. But as for the r gouramis that may be too much because they are territorial.
Aren't the honeys like the most peaceful gourami? And they are very small. My friend keeps a pair in a 20 long with zebra danios, cory cats, and guppys and they do good.
It is irresponsible to recommend fish solely on the basis that you like them. Swordfish require hard water and we cannot suggest these without checking their needs will be met. The need for more space has already been addressed.
I've already said above that I'm definitely not doing sword tails. That problem is out of the way.
Id leave out the mystery snails, theyre useless snails as they dont eat much algae and will eat plants if you have any, plus they do better in cool water than tropical. Mystery snails do better in ponds or gold fish tanks, if you want snails that eat a ton of algae go with nerites, plus nerites come in lots of different colors.
As for an angel fish. Angels do better in pairs or groups plus as has been said they can get up to six inches and as cichlid are territorial and can get a little mean.
If you are looking for colorful fish that dont get big and arent as finicky as angels you could try Rams or apistogrammas then again they can be territorial as well but dont get as big.
As for gouramis i know nothing about them other than they are dumb stupid and boring lol
Ok. I'll not do a mystery snail. I think all fish are kinda dumb but gouramis definitely aren't boring at least to me. :(
Sooo I know that mollies get a bit bigger and swordtails are out of the question (maybe I'll get them of I ever get a 55+gal) so maybe platys and/or guppies? They could make some distraction so that the angel does not pick on the honey gouramis. I will get the honeys first and get the youngest healthy angel I can find that way it would grow up in with the honey's and (hopefully) ignore them. If that wouldn't work out I could get a 20 galllon long and put the honeys in there. What pH should the 29 gallon be?
I agree with @utahfish I had mystery snails and they tore up my planted tank destorying several plants before I gave them to my bother-in-law who has plastic. I now have nerite snails which do a good job cleaning my tanks. I had African Cichlids many years ago and they took over my 55 gallon tank. I had to move my other fish because of attacks. I also had a pair of angle fish, one grew to over 6 inches the other 4 inches. I kept them in a 55 gallon tank. They were great fish but took up a lot of room in the tank, The cichlids would be sure to attack them if you put them together.
Sooo I know that mollies get a bit bigger and swordtails are out of the question (maybe I'll get them of I ever get a 55+gal) so maybe platys and/or guppies? They could make some distraction so that the angel does not pick on the honey gouramis. I will get the honeys first and get the youngest healthy angel I can find that way it would grow up in with the honey's and (hopefully) ignore them. If that wouldn't work out I could get a 20 galllon long and put the honeys in there. What pH should the 29 gallon be?

We really cannot help you until we know the parameters of your soource water. The GH (general hardness) is the most important, and knowing pH is also helpful.
What pH and temperature should thhe tank be?

Depending on the fish it's usually around mid to high 70s. That is very easily controlled.

As far as pH goes..... Any pH will work for a certain group of fish. Whatever your pH is, it is best to roll with it, embrace it, and stock accordingly.

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