Is My Ramshorn Snail Okay?

I keep freaking out that he will get my betta in the cycled tank sick.
If you betta is a healthy fish there's hardly anything to worry about.  Imagine yourself if you are tired, stressed, haven't slept properly in weeks,'s more likely you'll catch a sickness then compared to when you are feeling healthy and well, because healthy immune system will outbattle that easily.
The meds though - will they have hurt my snail?
Depends on the meds. Many of them are lethal to inverts.
CrazyDiamond88 said:

It's this stuff:
Well, from what I could find it contains Malachite green which can kill snails.
snazy said:
Well, from what I could find it contains Malachite green which can kill snails.
That depends on the concentration in the med. So I guess it depends what the manufacturer of the medication is advising for inverts.
It doesn't say on the bottle.
I put a few squirts of it... I didn't measure it. It wasn't much, whatever that means.
You should measure medication. It's supposed to work in a certain concentration. Anything below may not work and anything above can actually kill the fish and other inhabitants. It's like toxins, low amounts are tolerated for a short period of time but high amounts can be lethal.
Generally, if the meds don't indicate that they are dangerous to inverts, then they are fine IF dosed as per recommendations.
Well that was stupid of me.
I will make sure I measure it from now on.
Thanks for all your advice, I truly appreciate it.
I guess I will put the snail back in the cycled tank and wait and see... 
Fingers crossed Diamond. Try to sniff the snail every day just in case and hopefully he comes out of his shell soon. That's all you can do for him now anyway.

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