Is My Guppy A Female?


New Member
Aug 23, 2012
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Hi, Guys im new to this actually only got guppies within the past 3 days. I have 4 of them, i'm positive two are males and one is a female as I can see the black spot, but the garden center I got the other "female" says the guppy is a female but does not have the spot in the same area, it is the smallest guppy I have and has a round back fin and a triangle fin under her (which is what they say they go off of to sex them), Any ways I'm a little confused, I was so excited for her to breed my leopard guppy male and now I'm thinking she is actually a he, and I would hate to have 3 males to one female I will probably be going to PetSmart to get some females (they are on sale for $1 with the card which is free), can someone please help me? I put a picture the two fish with the spotted tails are the same fish the back one(clear looking one) is just a reflection they are in front of a mirror. so basically you can see both sides of the fish.
All the fish (reflection or real) look to me to be female, if the females where with any male guppies prior to you getting them then they will most likely already be pregnant, so it could be quite sometime before you can see the results of the female breeding with your chosen male.
agreed, the fan shaped anal fin indicates a female
Thanks Guys, They were in a tank with males and females so my guess is the are probably pregnant already looking forward to the guppy babies. I have Mollies and I heard they were notorious for eating the fry should I put the moms in there own 2 gallon tank when they square off?
Have a look at the pinned topic on sex determination. I think all of your posted pictures are of females but that pined topic is intended to help you decide for yourself. Even more important is that it will help you make the right choices at the LFS. You can reach the pinned topic from a link in my signature area.

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