Is It Time To Feed?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington, US
I recently changed aquariums from a 55g to a 72g (tossed the old gravel) and did it by adding 10-20% of the old water, adding a portion of the old sponge to the new filter system media and squeezing the old sponge in to the new water tank, then re-introduced the fish.

day 1: pH 7.2 ammonia 0-0.25ppm nitrite 0 nitrate 10ppm

50% water change

day 2 pH 7.2 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5-10ppm

fish look happy and all survived the transition.

is it too early to feed or could i do a small tiny bit of food... i know i was told that they can last 1 week, but...

thank you
i never heard of not feeding, but if you have good stats, then i see no reason why you shouldnt be able to. it seems like your stats are fine. adding some food isnt going to cause your ammonia to spike like crazy.
the theory being in a newly established tank with the potential for a nitrogen spike (it was not perfectly cycled) that minimizing feeding will minimize waste thus minimize nitrogenous waste products like ammonia...

cogito ergo sum

the theory being in a newly established tank with the potential for a nitrogen spike (it was not perfectly cycled) that minimizing feeding will minimize waste thus minimize nitrogenous waste products like ammonia...

cogito ergo sum


still i wouldnt starve them for a week, maybe like every 3 days, but a week. i mean it makes sence but still.
Just feed them lightly every two days for the first week, if all stats are good, then return to normal feeding regime/water changes.

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