Is It Safe To Mix Different Ages Of Fry?


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
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I have only room for one fry tank, and I have only one breeding platy female.

Every 4 weeks she drops fry, and I just started to rescue them on the last batch. Last month I saved only 2 fry. I would say they are undersized at less then 1cm long at 4 weeks of age, still transparent. I have just moved them from a fry trap to a nicely cycled tank and they appear to be doing great already.

My platy is in the trap right now, ready to drop again.

Would it be safe to put the new fry in with the 1 month old fry, or will they cannibalize?

Thanks =)
Hello Zyden

It really depend what size the old fry are, but I think it will give a better chance to your new fry to survive, instead of leaving them into your main tank with the bigger fishes. In your fry tank, if there enough plants so they can hide everything should be fine. What you could do is to add the new fry when lights are off. Hope it help
if they are all pretty small and not big enough to eat eachother, i wouldnt worrk about it.
i combine my feeder guppy fry and their fine. :)
they should be ok, i had a 6month old sword in with newborns, she was the runt so still pretty small, as soon as my fry are big enough they move into my Betta tank then finally into my 30gal until sold etc

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