Is Fish Tank Too Hot?


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2012
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I recently set up a 80 litre tank, its cycled and at the moment the water is good. No Ammonia, small amount of nitrate/nitrite but nothing is dangerously too high.
I have 2 silver mollies, 5 columbian tetras, 4 pearl danios and some molly fry in there. The tank is currently at around 30oC, is this too hot? If it is how can I cool it down? Also, the columbian tetras are hiding and don't seem to active. Is this due to the heat?

Any advice would be awesome :)
I would say 30 is too high - its probably due to the warm weather. I would suggest switching off the lights - I've had a similar issue recently and it seems to be working for me (though unfortunately I think it was the cause of death to one of my younger cories as mine was well into the early 30s). Cooling down the room that the tank is in and ensuring it is away from direct light from windows etc should also help for more long term options (I am unable to do these myself). I've heard putting ice in a bag/bottle into the tank may also help to cool it down.

One thing I'd like to point out - nitrIte readings. There shouldn't be any in a cycled tank. While nitrAte is usually fine in small amounts, nitrIte is far more toxic. Are you sure your tank is cycled/are you sure you read the test right?
Okay, I'll try bring the temperature down by a few degrees, hopefully that should help.
With regards to the water, I think it may have been a bad test strip. Done another test and the nitrite is 0 and the nirate is 5ppm, so all is good there. Thanks :)
The mollies would be far better off at around 22C. Any recently set up tank probably needs plenty of water changes. Use cooler water for that and your fish will thank you.
Okay, I'll try bring the temperature down by a few degrees, hopefully that should help.
With regards to the water, I think it may have been a bad test strip. Done another test and the nitrite is 0 and the nirate is 5ppm, so all is good there. Thanks :)

better off buying a liquid test kit than using teststrips ....
The mollies would be far better off at around 22C. Any recently set up tank probably needs plenty of water changes. Use cooler water for that and your fish will thank you.

my thermostats are set at 25'c is that to hot as i have guppies and mollies, thought i would ask just to be on the safe side :good:
I'm planning on getting a better test kit soon. Maybe a MiniMaster test kit.

Don't worry I'm doing lots of water changes to keep the cool and water levels at decent levels. :nod:

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