Is Cory Resitance Futile?

Okay, we have our first problem among the groups.
No one told me Peppers don't act right. Dad and the kids were strolling along having a gnosh, when one of the little peppers divebombs the middle of the group. Everybody scatters and little pepper just sits there like a brat.

Why do Peppers remind me of Port Jackson Sharks?
Well, sadness hit.
Lost one of the new bronze. Yesterday it was off by itself, nothing to worry about, mine do it all the time. Today it was dead.

Good news is everyone else seems fine. And back to normal behavior. Come lights on it's feeding frenzy. Daddy is still pouting, but I do believe Grace is a girl, plumping out and Glory and Goliath are playing more than tag you're it.

Grant me patience! Already wanting to get three more peppers!
Sorry for the loss of your bronze. Sometimes it happens, with no explanation. I think on average I lose a fish once every couple of months. Sometimes there's a sign that something's wrong, and other times it just happens with no warning. 
Go out and get those peppers! 
Well on post mortem, was a white patch on it's head.
Keeping a close eye on everyone else, so far no problems.
But am worried about Daddy Bronze. He has gotten very lethargic. Still eats, some. Swims normally, just would rather sit there while everyone else does the cory thing.
Just did a 50% waterchange and a thorough scrub. So we shall see.

Also, as this the first scrub since upping the numbers, why did noone tell me cleaning the tank would now be like cleaning the house. Neither the fish nor the dog move for the vacuum.

As to getting the Peppers, well I do need to run errands....
TOS, you should be happy now. Got 4 more peppers today. Was only going to get three, but two were in one tank and two in another, and I couldn't just leave one. It wouldn't have been alone, it was in with bronze cories, but...

Had to go to four shops though. First one, only get by once a month. Dead fish, almost no plants, and the two peppers they had were twice what I paid for the others. Had some lovely Bolivian rams, at a good price. But the sales staff was nowhere to be found.
Second shop, few plants. Good help, but overpriced.
Third shop, limited plants, but got some Caboma and the last bunch of narrow leaf Anacharis.(was three, but I being a gentleman, let a young lady get her plants first. And she got the Anacharis!).
Lastly got the peppers.

Saw a great piece of driftwood, almost what I wanted, but $95.00 said nope.
You'd be surprised, if you see a piece of driftwood that isn't like the others and is more expensive they may be willing to lower the price.  Once got a 50$ piece of dw for 40$, which means it was probably worth 20.
My aquascaping problem stems from years as a landscaper. You get a picture in your mind and that's it. Plants grow and can be pruned. Rock and driftwood has to be right.
Have spent hours before a nursuries looking for the right boulder.
Another problem with driftwood is size. I want Malaysian, but it is not in vogue now. What I find is perfect for a small tank, or the piece I saw yesterday, close in shape, but huge. Not looking for something that takes up 1/4 of a 4 foot tank.
I feel your pain! I know exactly what I want for driftwood in both my 55g and my 29g tiger barb tanks. Worse, I think I could find it along Lake Superior. Think I'm in for a fruitless search??
Not fruitless, but frustrating.
I saw the piece I wanted about a month ago, but no cash on me at the time. And don't get to the shops as often as I would like.
Also have had to change my plans on rocks. Seems no-one sells aquarium slate round here. Garden centers have the tan/orange slate, but I have never liked it. Had some eggrock I popped in for hidey spots and plant attachment. Well it has grown on me, and the kids like it. But it is no good for making caves, too small. So it looks like a job for silicone and pvc.

And yes I am kicking myself for not getting peppers earlier! Just a problem with one. It's the largest of the original three. It likes to hide. Other than that daddy bronze is back to normal, and of course the two oddballs. Seems the two smallest, one bronze, one pepper, would rather hang out with fish of another color.

May have lucked up. The twins, the two now four month olds have been playing more than just tag. She isn't mature yet, but he keeps trying. And in judt a day, I have two peppers playng tag.

Well the cory shoals are complete. Now for Bolivian Rams!
Sounds like things are working for you!
I just lost two peppers this week, the oldest, biggest momma and one of the brand new ones. I'm pretty gutted over that. No sign of anything wrong with either of them. 
So, sorry to hear about that.
I now have the obssesion of counting everyone at lights on.
Was worried about Dad for a while, but seems he was just being a codger with all these darn kids pestering him.
Well other than the driftwood, and the still unfinished cabinet! Things are coming together.
Found Bolivians in three shops. 10 a piece at two and 5.99 at the third. And those were the best looking.
Was talking to the fish manager at one shop about Angels, seems they are still popular Every time they get them in they sell out. Also told me he only deals with local breeders. Seems he would lose 70-90% from the wholesaler, they lose 1-3% from local breeders.
Just need to wait for more plants to come in. I need to quit stocking the tank till it's moved. Gonna be enough trouble rounding up all the cories.

And as the title says, should the 20long I am getting as a holding tank for the move be a tiger tank,(TOS ruined me), or a pygmy or panda cory tank with neons or such for Mrs. doodle?
I'd much rather deal with local breeders. You've got to figure that the fish go through much less stress, and are already used to being in a tank, etc. 
I vote for the 20g long as a cory tank. I think tigers need more vertical space to run around and be crazy. I like the 29g I have for them, as it gives them plenty of room. So much more I need to do with that tank, however, particularly with that piece of driftwood I have in my head (snazy ruined me). 
BTW, I also like the addition of the danios to the cory tank. Makes for an interesting bit of action on the upper column. I was actually on the search for some black neons, but the danios were 10¢ each. How could I pass them up?? Never hurts to keep Mrs. Doodle happy either. 
Thanks, so a 29 for tigers. (Might have to wait, have keep Mrs. doodle happy, and I can only get away with one new tank.)
Yeah, it might just be pandas, wanted rasbora, but I got a "those are ugly, neons are pretty." Ho hum, i'm not the boss. And a nice school of colorful fish might get her more interested.

The 55 stock is set. Cories, Bolivians, Angels, Marble Hatchets, and otos.
Other than the rams, not real colorful.
The Betta is Bulldawg red, but worried about adding anything in with him. He is lord and high master of his 10gal.

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