Is Cory Resitance Futile?


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Feb 7, 2012
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Well, to make a long story long.
A little background. After a disaster this past winter, and a loss of stock, mostly. And then an accident with a saw and ten stitches, my four footer is still on a bench. The cabinet is not finished, one day off a week is putting projects on hold.
Well my girl got eggbound so I had to perform a mercy killing. For the past three months there has been Dad, Glory(6 months old), Grace and Goliath(3 months old). Mrs. doodle named them. Knowing the tank is going to be broken down I have put off restocking. But four Bronze cories are not enough. So I decided to get two or three more.
Well found three little Bronze in one tank and snapped em up. Just what I need, but no. Also in that tank were two Peppered, well I couldn't leave them all alone. But two aren't enough, so I found a third all alone.
So it now seems my second cory shoal will be Peppers.
In a few weeks, when I am sure the filter is caught up I plan on getting three more.
Maybe by then I will have enough willpower to stop at three.

I also hope I got some girls.
Corydoras resistance?  Never heard of it.
Sounds to me like you are on the road to a "corydoras" tank.  I hope to see pics of it when you get a chance.
(Sorry for the trouble you've had)
Love my cories! Of course I love everbody else's cories.

eagles, well pictures will have to wait. Challenged by technology...and tank is still rubbish.

I do have one complaint. When it was just dad and the kids, I saw them all the time. Now with ten, everyone is shy and wants to hide. One can tell the variance in coloring in bronze though. Two of the new babies are very dark. Dad is medium, as is Glory, while Grace and Goliath are quite pale. The three Gs mama was albino.
Also why did I wait so long for peppers?
I don't know! Why did you wait so long?? I love mine, and just wish the darn little things would B.R.E.E.D. Bronze are cool, and so are albinos, but there is something about peppers. I just picked up two because they were all by their little lonesomes in a tank, and thought the kindest thing to do would be to bring them home to join mine. 
Now if I could just find some more delphax and ambiacus to join mine, I'd be happy.
No, wait. I'd be happy with a 30g long tank to put ALL the cory in. Yeah. Then I'd be happy. But wait, I'll need a bigger house! Sheesh ...
30 G?  Don't you mean 300G or even 3000G?
Corydoras species are too numerous!  To get just the right balance of all the species you want, you'd need ...  The Amazonian basin - yeah that should be big enough!
Well, I don't want to get carried away ... 

I did just acquire my husband's 6 julii tonight. 
BTW, Spouse when did you move to the UK?

Now we'll never be able to trade panda cories for red cherry shrimp! :no:
Wait ... what??

i have no idea how that happened. I am so stuck here in the U.S. you can't imagine. 
There. All better now.
I swear 5 minutes ago your Location stated "United Kingdom"!
I was pretty sure you lived in the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" (or perhaps you prefer 'sky-tinted water') - surely with all these references to 'water' you'd have sufficient space for a 30,000 G corydoras only tank?! 
I wasn't going to say anything Spouse, about your move across the pond....well okay I was, but kept getting..Squirrel!...distracted.

Quit bragging bout getting your hubby's julii...I am so jealous. One for the julii, two for a spouse with the addiction.
Was thinking of you, when I got the new kids. Was a tank full of lovely tigers. Again jealous.

On a side note they finally decided to come out. Cheeky little things, I am normally in bed at this time of night. Most went on the infantry charge for food, but the biggest pepper and two smallest bronze had a good play in the filter current.
Daddy bronze is still pouting cause everybody crowds his favorite resting spot.
I am completely taken with cory. I don't even care what species they are. I love (and want) them all! 
I keep picturing a tank to cover the top of this big old desk that now houses my 55g. Maybe it's a 40g I'm picturing. I'll figure it out later, but one that's 48" wide, 30" deep and 12" tall. 
I'm glad you're building up your numbers, frappy. Yes ... resistance is futile. 
The plan always was to build em, after the tank got moved.
Then work exploded and with one day off a week, don't have time or energy to spend on projects. Also still don't have a spare tank to hold em.
But have set a deadline, when the new Petsmart opens, I won't have an excuse. So maybe a few weeks.
Of course then I will have to decide between smaller cories or tigers.

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