Is a bristlenose pleco the only type with bristles


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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I asked my lfs to order bristlenose plecos for me. I guess they did because they have some plecos with lots of bristles on their faces, but the rest of the body doesn't really look like the pictures I've found. Does any other type of pleco have lots of bristles? Can I be confident that these are bristlenose? I didn't buy any tonight because I was grocery shopping and didn't have my quarantine tank ready but I am going to get it this weekend.

Also can I put one in my 10g tank or not? If not I'm only going to get one (for my 20g). Another question-do they get along with ghost shrimp?
I wanted to add-the fish the lfs has are big. At least 3" and maybe 1/2" or more wide at the head.
There are many many different species of bristlenose catfish, (ancistrus) in various different sizes, shapes and colours. Some have a forest of bristles, some just have a few, some don't have any at all!

Generally speaking, the females are also less 'hairy' than the males which also have wider heads.

Have a look here
eek! that is a lot. I don't remember exactly what it looked like, only that I didn't remember white/light spots. But I do know it had a lot of bristles. thanks!
Also to add what Sir said, if the bristlenose plec is young, the bristles may not be quite developed. They mature with the fish. Females do have some bristles, but not as many as the male......
And please no plecs in a 10 gallon, not quite enough room.
I don't know about the ghost shrimp, cause I do not have any :sad:
Good luck if you decide to get a plec Gale! :D
Thanks! I won't get one for my 10g then and I'll just get a single for my 20. I wish I could find some ottos around here. The lfs has algae eaters but I can tell by their zig zag stripe that they are CAEs. At least I think they are. The zig zag is obvious but I couldn't see any spots on their tailfins, probably because they never sat still.

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