Is 95 Euros A Good Price For A 10g/40l Tank?

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95 Euros is expensive for a 40l tank, the 40l Aquacube is only £50, which is about 60 Euro. And those are lovely looking little tanks. And in my honest opinion your tank would be WAY overstocked with fish that are completly unsuitable, angelfish need a tank 45cm high for a start.
From the look of the other posts he seems to be a forum troll trying to get a rise out of people - I give up he's not after advice so I will now ignore
Overstocking with additional water changes and additional filtration is fine. (See my tank, technically it is overstocked but I never miss a water change, have lots and lots of plants and a filter recommended for a tank 3x it's size)

But some of the fish you listed are physically too big for your tank.

If not given the correct conditions then they will have stunted growth, resulting in premature death and odd behaviour.
well too bad for my fish...ill just buy big deal...i have the money

No big deal if the fish die because of overcrowding and water pollution. Why not spend the extra money you have on a bigger tank, then you can enjoy your fish.

Ok just realised you're a troll but my post's half written so here it is.
From the look of the other posts he seems to be a forum troll trying to get a rise out of people - I give up he's not after advice so I will now ignore
thank god i got rid of a pest...
ok now u guys i am just playin with u guys...testing ure knowledge...ok some stuff i didnt know but 9 out of the 10 times i was kiddin...i mean of course i wouldnt let my fish die, then buy new ones...poor fish...but no-matter how much u guys disagree...i am going to do a fish in cycle, and ill tell u how it goes...but first let me buy the thing
Because of course prices are higher in mainland Europe,a nd a Dutch person would answer which country they live in with "Holland" :lol:.

Fail troll is fail.
lawrence ive come across you twice in the discussion forum
and you seem to be causing trouble, to ''test peoples knowledge''

thats not what this forum is here for,

i like to think im helping people when they ask a question,
not to give advice to time wasters and people who dont appreciate the time and effort others put into helping

you'd be lucky to recieve any future responses if its down to me
This topic is going nowhere and seems not to even have a point, so consider it closed.

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