Investigating Cause Of Death

i hope someone else will help you with the medical stuff, id on't know much about it.

you can get peat, put it in a little stocking or something in your filter. i'm pretty sure it lowers ph..i also think driftwood lowers ph..but i'd double check that.

I think people might mean you shouldn't chemically try to alter your ph, but i think natural ways like peat and driftwood are good ways to do it. maybe someone more knowledgeable will respond to that.
i hope someone else will help you with the medical stuff, id on't know much about it.

you can get peat, put it in a little stocking or something in your filter. i'm pretty sure it lowers ph..i also think driftwood lowers ph..but i'd double check that.

I think people might mean you shouldn't chemically try to alter your ph, but i think natural ways like peat and driftwood are good ways to do it. maybe someone more knowledgeable will respond to that.

I'd be up for trying peat. I really can't afford most of the safe driftwood out there. What kind of peat should I use, and where do I get it?

Thanks again!
Get the cheapest peat moss you can from a gardening outfit. The more expensive kind may contain fertilizer. A large bale is around $10 here, and is enough to last me a long time provided my wife doesn't use it for gardening & replenish the supply with Miracle Grow peat moss, which is loaded with fertilizer & useless for me.

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