Introduction/fish Help & Tank Pictures (260L)

Sophie1992 said:
when the angels get to the age they will pair off and (they think the whole tank is theirs) will attack each other, most times to the death.. just a heads up so one day your not like MY BABIES STOP!!! 
i find IMO that each angel should have 25-30 gallons  (94-113 liters) minim because of the size that they will get when fully grown. 
How long does it take to get to adult/mating size roughly? As I said above, I will be upgrading to a 460L+ soon. Bigger if I can find. If not, they'll get re-homed or I'll just have to buy more tanks aha!
probably around 9 months old, you'll know because they will start to pair up and swim together, defend a territory of the tank and start chasing each other out of it. (not their mate but the others)
i think mine where around 3-4 inches (body not fins) but its been awhile so i forget.. :p
blackops said:
do u know what u what you want the final stocking to be
Well, just to update this, I've recently re-homed the Featherfin Synodontis x 2. Suddenly everything became quite calm after as they were being territorial towards one another and also pushing my Bristlenose out of his favourite spot.  
I've also upped my number of Corydoras Sterbai from 3 to 12 and moved the 3 Clown Loaches that are now 6 to a different tank.
The Sailfin/Gibbiceps (TBC) I still cannot get a picture of but for the time being, he is slightly bigger than my full grown Bristlenose so he's fine where he is for the time being until he becomes a monster! :p
Everything is just much more calmer and sedate, not to mention the Cory's and Clown's seem SO much happier.

BerryAttack said:
probably around 9 months old, you'll know because they will start to pair up and swim together, defend a territory of the tank and start chasing each other out of it. (not their mate but the others)
i think mine where around 3-4 inches (body not fins) but its been awhile so i forget..
Well, two seem to be doing this at the moment. Occupying a small space and just chasing the others away on occasion. I wouldn't say it was aggressive as of yet.
Also received conflicting advice, from 2 different LFS' who both said my 260L should be adequate for the territorial behaviour (one said that too much space could be a bad thing, as it's just more space to fight over) and also PFK magazine have a lot of issues in their question sections regarding Angels and the recommendation was 6 to disperse the aggression among themselves and 240L was a rough size recommendation for them all.
Obviously not saying what you're saying is wrong just sharing the other info received as I was quite concerned and worried after your advice 

I'll keep a close eye for now! Thanks x
Great tank! And as of this last post it looks like things will be going well. Welcome!
This Old Spouse said:
Great tank! And as of this last post it looks like things will be going well. Welcome!
Thank you :)
I agree with berry attack. I think 4 is the maximum amount of angelfish for a 260l. But .... Youre gonna upgrade soon so everything should be sorted out with a 450l+ :D
TallTree01 said:
I agree with berry attack. I think 4 is the maximum amount of angelfish for a 260l. But .... Youre gonna upgrade soon so everything should be sorted out with a 450l+ :D
Yeah :) 260L is just so small to me now!
This Old Spouse said:
Look at this ... she just joined us and she already has MTS!
MTS? Something tank syndrome? Lol. Abbreviations suck... Took my brain ages to figure out what LFS was! Haha
Multiple Tank Syndrome!! 

It's even worse when you're not allowed more tanks!
Multiple tank syndrome OR Malaysian Trumpet Snail OR me taking snacks
Howdy, welcome to the forum.
Your tank looks great.
MTS=Multi Tank Syndrome. Kinda why I call fishkeeping an addiction.
Grat looking tank - when I joined this forum I had one tank.

I now have three and another on the way, plus a hospital tank.

House extension planned hopefully next year :D

Look forward to seeing pic updates.
Shelster said:
Grat looking tank - when I joined this forum I had one tank.
I now have three and another on the way, plus a hospital tank.
House extension planned hopefully next year :D
Look forward to seeing pic updates.

Yes I'd love loads but unfortunately (ha ha) I am 5 months pregnant so money is going to become a problem after I upgrade the 260. But hey, it is an excuse for a Nano in the nursery aha :D Start with them young then use them later when they want more fish too hehe! All planned out y'see ;)
I didn't notice anyone ID'ing the corydoras for you, but I only did a quick skim.
I believe it is a C. sterbai.   I'm about 95% sure.  A few more pics would help confirm it.

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