Introducing The New Betta

Its an aquaone aquastart-320 tank, 30 litres. It comes with an 11w compact bulb in the middle and I've added a 18w t5 power compact at the back too. 29w total.

The co2 is a d-d pressurised kit I got from porton aquatics about a week ago for £30 (!). I've got a smaller diffuser and a drop checker coming so at the moment I'm not injecting a massive amount because I think it would be easy to add a bit too much to such a small tank.

I'm getting a little bit of brown algae growing on the tips of the vallis in particular - the pygmy cory seem to love it and I've put in a couple of big amano shrimps from my main community tank. They seem to be keeping it under control. I'll be adding rowaphos to the filter when I can bodge something to hold it in.

Thanks for the nice comments :)


Wahey! Bettas getting better and better of late eh?! What a bloody gorgeous fishkie you got there, I have a lovely female that would go with him if you'd like to send over for a few nights on the tiles?!!!

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