Thank you for all your kind comments, everyone! I was wondering if I might have been overdoing it with all my threads lately, but I'm happy to see that you enjoy them.
As for selling the fry, I usually sell my bronze and albino locally, to my lfs. Now, however, I have a nice batch of black C. aeneus growing up, and don't know what I'll do with them. These fish are not the kind of species that are usually found and I am thinking of selling them on AquaBid or to people directly. They are still young and I have a few more months to think about it. Frankly, I'm very nervous about shipping them, but after all things usually work out well.
I hope to improve my photography skills (or get some lucky shots

) ) over the winter and add some corys to the fish index.
I already have a new cory, C. pulcher waiting to get introduced to you, but I can't get on PhotoBucket to put up my pictures. As soon as I can, I'll start a new thread. I also have more corys coming and am talking to someone about getting a few of a very special and unusual species.
Now I want you all to know that I enjoy reading threads about your corys too, and look forward to seeing a lot of them in the next few months. And too, remember that in South America our autumn is their springtime. This is the natural time of year for corys to spawn, and I'm sure many of you will be successful at raising fry of your own. I hope you will all share pictures and helpful information with the rest of us cory fans.