introduce yourself ^^


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
hello, and welcome to the first Bettaholics Not-So-Anonymus meeting! :lol: come on in, grab a drink, flop down in one of the many Betta-patterned bean bag chairs and introduce yourself and your Aqua-kids!

hi, my name is Amber, and these are my boys :D

Pierce is the third boy i bought, but the oldest in my tanks. he's a pretty mint green under no lighting, but under lights he turned purple and blue and pink and pretty. he's a combed-veiltail muttboy with a bronze forehead and he has a really big mouth that he uses to inhale globs of bloodworms-in-gel.

King is the fourth and second oldest, a lavender-blue-and-white butterfly who shows off his little purple calico spots and pretty peach head all the time. he has slender fins, but they're incredibley long. when folded up he looks like all his fins connect to each other.

Flash is the fifth. a five-star wild-type Betta with medium-length fins that hang down low rather than trail behind. pretty brown with purple iridescence on his caudal peduncle and blue-and-red fins. he sits at the 'corner' of his bowl to sleep, and doesn't move until i get up, then he does the wiggle dance and awaits his breakfast.

Lil Phoenix is the last. a grizzled red cambodian who looks like shredded cheese, he was rescued today because he was in a tank with another male Betta. he's really shy, but didn't like me staring at him and decided to make me go away by flaring. he has short fins, not Plakat-short but short for a veiltail.

and of course i need to remember my other guys (and grrl!) Donahue, Virginia and Mackenzie. poor babies all died of different causes (Pop-eye, torn to shreds, caught in a pot)

I am afraid to add this because it will be long, but here it goes.

I am Shannon and I am a compulsive Betaholic. :lol: :lol: :lol: These are my Boys and girls:

Big Blue: My very first Beta. Perfect midnight Blue with a sheen of turquois in his anal and tail fins. His head is about the size of a nickle...He's 8 years old and a flashy showoff.
Little Blue: 4th Beta. Identical in every way to Big Blue except he is about 1/4th his size. He fiesty and flamboyant!
Ghost 2: My 6th most recent Beta. Not a true albino like the one I sold (Ghost) but he's close enough. Black eyes, opaque body with deep red fins. He's very shy and doesn't flare very often. He was a Wal-Mart rescue.
Shadow 2: My 7th most recent. Vietnamese veiltail with shorter tail fin than anal fins. Tail points are rounded into one. He's a solid deep grey-blue from head to tail. Flare at my fingers whenever I feed him. He thinks he's a baddass...:lol:
Jester: Massive veil-tail Oscar rescue! His body his lavendar and his fins are a deep -red-purple. He takes crap from noone! He's my most recent.
Blueberry: My second oldest Beta. Nose is pink, head is deep purple. his body is deep blue with purple sheen. All fins are deep turquois-on-blue. He's a massive Chinese Veiltail.
Firefly: My third oldest. He's a perfect cambodian veiltail. Solid bloodred from head to tail. A huge showoff and flares whenever his tank is disturbed. He LOVES Tubafix worms.
Firestorm: My second most recent. Perfect cambodian veiltail but smaller than Firefly. His red is much bolder too. He's very shy and loves bubbles!
Turqouis: Small, but agressive. His body is pale white and all his fins are deep purple. Tends to float sideways when he flares and arches his anal and tail fins in the direction of the threat or the woman. :lol: He loves zuccini and me.
Striker: I have yet to discover his roots of origin because he is so crossbred. All his fins come to a rounded end and they are excessively long. The whole frontal portion of his body is deep orange (into the front of the anal fin as well), and all the rest of him is midnight blue. His face is blue also. He loves to show off for the ladies and has built 16 bubble nests since I have owned him!
Cookie Not much to say about Cookie. He's identical to Jester but smaller.
Violet: My first female Beta. She is a gorgeous dark purple all over (her lateral line however is lined by a black stripe) and her fins are deep red. She is very small and very friendly. All fins are sharply pointed.
Flex: My second female. Her body is purple, nose white. Her fins are a mix of blue, purple and pink. She is large in comparison to Violet, yet she is the product of Violet and Big Blue. She lets me pet her. :D
Poof: My newest female. Shes all white except her fins, which are red. I believe she is a crown-tail female! She's very spunky and absolutely despises Striker!
Horizon: My second most recent female. She's identical to Violet with a bit of brown tinge in her body. She has stumpy fins and is very fat. All fins are round. :D

Sorry to bore you all!!
Hello, my name is Nicole and I am a Bettaholic. :rolleyes:

My clan consists of...

Dogma - my first betta to break my curse. I had three previous bettas that died on me in a matter of days. Dogma is a hansome male betta, who is black with flecs of dark blue and purple. He has full, "frilly" fins and is always showing off to whoever will pay attention. He's always been an outgoing fish, who greeted me from the very first time he saw me. He is a momma's boy. :lol:

Nux - my second betta who took awhile to come around and pay attention to me. :) He is a mix of green, blue and red. Very brightly colored, but isn't a showoff. He now follows me much like Dogma, but not quite as pathetic. lol

Karma - my first ever female betta. Was a tiny little girl, hiding and being picked on by all of the other females. White with pale blue streaks and fins. More interested in her reflection and eating than me or the boys.

Eptun - a hansome and conservative sea green male betta who has only been with me for a few days, but already has made a home here. Greats me when I come in the room, and insists he's always starving.

Rooibos - a fiesty orange betta with red fins, who is curious about everything. He is the most active out of the bunch, and is right up next to the glass when I'm peering in, checking things out.
Just to tell y'all - reading about your bettas isn't boring, if you're a true Betta-Holic, you'll like hearing about them. So yes, I'm yet another of the non-anonymous type! :p My bettas are as follows:

Captain Jack Sparrow aka: "Jack" - Jack was my first betta and so is lucky enough to have a big 2.5 gallon to share with his pals the albino cories. He is bright turqoise and blue on his body with bright crimson fins edged in blue/green. He's gaaaaahgeous, I don't really know if he's a Veil or Crowntail because he was so badly ripped when I got him. He's the flarer in the family, constantly admiring himself when the light is on, and never misses a chance to show off.

Galadriel aka: "Laddie" or "Lad" - Lad is my second betta, he's a deep steel blue with maroon highlights. He's a veiltail with extremely long fins, and he occupies a gallon Aquaview. Snotty big boy isn't a fan of a current, so he had to get a new tank! He's much more laid back than Jack, but occasionally decides to puff out his gills. Usually he's hanging out resting in his silk plant, or searching for food!

Unnamed aka: "The Girl" - This lady is new since Wednesday. I rescued her from Walmart in despicable conditions. She's a big girl with small fins. Since she's still pretty unhealthy, her main color is grey, though everyday she's looking a tad bluer with reddish fins. She occupies a little azoo tank and seems to enjoy floaing in the current. She also likes to flare at the mirror, the silly gal! Anyways, she may not be with us much longer though.. she's not doing so well. :( Pray for my lil lady.

More to come. ;)
FlareBettaGuy said:
The betta with no name: Turqoise blue, swims around a lot, prefers cabbage over bloodworms
Your beta is not normal. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
UnNamed Male Betta: I got this betta about 3 weeks ago I think it was. He's got a blue body, red pelvic fins, blur with read surrounding it dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin.

UnNamed Female Betta: I've had this betta for over a year. She is a bluish purple. Not sure of her exact colkouring as she sort of has a blend of colours all mixed together.

Bulldog: The Alpha Betta (steel-blue veiltail)
He's my first betta. I didn't get him for looks - I got him because he was game. He was the liveliest out of all, and I went through the whole lot. He's tough and proved it during a water change mishap. Looks like nothing bothers this guy. He loves to EAT and will gorge himself if I am not careful in controlling his food amount. He never backs down from the others and doesn't waste time prancing around when flaring. He locks on target and will attack head-on if given the chance. :sly:

Telly: The Tilted One (deep-red veiltail)
He's my 2nd betta. I got him as a companion for Bulldog for the hours I'm at work. Telly is a bit of a nervous wreck. He freaks during water changes. He used to run away during flaring sessions. He was in a severe water change mishap and fell 4 feet to the floor mat. I think his air bladder became misaligned when he hit the floor. He swims with a tilt now, but it seems to be righting itself slowly. :/

Batman: The Dark Silouette (dark-blue crowntail)
He's my 3rd betta. I saw this guy at the downtown lfs flaring at everything around him. Plus, he was the nicest looking one at the time. I figured he would make a great sparring partner for Bulldog. No sooner said than done, these guys flared at each other and neither backed off. But he dances around a little more when flaring. His crown fins combined with his color give him the silouette of The Dark Knight. :sly:

Lionfish: The Mad Genius (deep-red crowntail)
He's my 4th betta. I got this guy from the same place as Batman. He's red and has these really long 'spikes'. I just had to have this guy. He looks like a lionfish when he flares. He's calm one moment, then he's all jittery the next. He's also very slick. He flares when the net is coming for him during a water change and knows that the net opening is smaller than his body area when he's fully extended. And he is really stubborn. Even when I try to nudge him with my finger he won't budge. :angry:

Rip Van Winkle: The Stoned One (partial piebald, red/white/purkle crownfin doubletail)
He's my 5th betta. I got this guy from the same lfs I got Batman and Lionsfish. This guy loves to sleep. Or just space out. He'll flare at the other guys but then falls asleep/stops right in the middle of it. Either that or he's just stoned. I think he's taking drugs when no one is looking. :blink:
i'm a little late but hey!

edit: k i didn't mean to post this...i had to go to work guess i did post it though guess i'll finish it! :blink:

my clan consists of
Citrus she is a pretty pinkish female with every changing fins that go from blue to pale pink.......she was also my first betta since the death of Steve :( and the only betta that had ick! o she is also the only one i have trained to jump for her food! :wub:

Squishy aka mr. personality. this guy is so calm yet so angry......he just glides around his tank flaring and staring at me over top of his thermometer! :crazy: that's really creepy anyways Squishers is blue and red a typical mutt (my favourite....don't tell the others)

Sock My only rescue.....he recovered from SBD and is very overactive.....he's all red with a few blue highlight.......and the reason he's called sock is because all his fins were and still are tattered and with his SBD he looked like a limp sock :*)

Narya aka Trout.....this little girl was crazy....she was 2 small to eat full sized pelets and never liked small tanks but when i but her in a big tank she took a leap of faith and sadly this leap was not a smart move and well she's gone :-(

Breeze the new girl! whoa what a beauty! her pix r in the pix section she is the newest and i would like to put her in the 10 gal (fully betta safe of course!) she is bright blue with a black head......not much to say about her personality yet except that she seems gentle and not too excitable!
My bettas:

MAXWELL: (aka Maxie) He's a BIG purple/ blue/ red male betta that I love dearly. I think he's up there in age because of his size, but he's got the best personality of all my bettas. He's lively and loves to show off to my gorgeous pink female...

PIXIE: My goregous pink female betta. She's stunning! I walked into Walmart and fell in love with her. Any description I give of her coloring would not do her justice....she's a beautiful light pink with purple and green accents on her fins. :D No wonder Maxie is smitten.

SAMPSON: (aka Sammy) He's a big red bully!!! ...but, I love him dearly. I'm afraid he only loves me for my pellets though. He flares at my face, my fingers, my dog, my company and his pellets. He's so mean! :lol: I LOVE IT!

BABY: She's the last betta I purchased. She's a grey female with a hint of green on her fins. She's my youngest. I went to the lfs and Baby was in a BIG bin with her very young siblings. This was during the height of my betta addiction and I bought Baby and another sibling. I was lacking the resources and room to set up 2 more betta bowls, so I put Baby and her sister into my remaining 1 gallon bowl. Baby attacked and harrassed her sister so much in that bowl that I had a major case of the guilts. I gave Baby's sister to my little neighbor (with LOTS of instructions on taking care of her) and I kept Baby. :nod: She's much happier alone in that 1 gallon. She's always calm, cool and collected. When I am doing water changes and all my bettas are in cups next to each other, Baby is the ONLY one not phased by all the flaring and showing off. She's kinda like: B) Yup, that's Baby.

Hi, my name is Cali and I'm a betta-holic.

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