Intro thread


New Member
Mar 28, 2021
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Hiya, I've been keeping cold water fish since January and now decided to expand into the fish world and brought myself a 3 foot 250l tank and cycled it for 9 weeks, I brought some neons, a BN pleco, some red wagtail platys (which one I belive is pregnant) and a redfin shark, in my cold water tank I have a black ranchru, black Moore, standard fantail, a large tiger fantail, a Japanese butterfly pleco/Hill stream loach and 4 minnows.
Attached a photo of my small tank and large tank together when I first set me tank up!


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hello! welcome!
you should not keep neons and platies together, tetras need low ph and gh and platies and all otehr livebearers need high. if the tank is new it might streess out the fish if your water is towards one side
Hiya, I've been keeping cold water fish since January and now decided to expand into the fish world and brought myself a 3 foot 250l tank and cycled it for 9 weeks, I brought some neons, a BN pleco, some red wagtail platys (which one I belive is pregnant) and a redfin shark, in my cold water tank I have a black ranchru, black Moore, standard fantail, a large tiger fantail, a Japanese butterfly pleco/Hill stream loach and 4 minnows.
Attached a photo of my small tank and large tank together when I first set me tank up!
Wow, that big tank looks so cloudy! As Sgooosh said, some of these fish might not be compatible due to difference in water conditions, but I'd love to see your fish!
may i ask you your gh and ph? this will help determine if some species will be able to acclimate faster and better
I'm waiting on my test kit to arrive but I took a sample of water to my LFS a couple days ago to test and they said it was all okay to put fish in, he did say what it was but can't remember what it was, my test kit should be with me tomorrow so will do another test on it then.
I'm waiting on my test kit to arrive but I took a sample of water to my LFS a couple days ago to test and they said it was all okay to put fish in, he did say what it was but can't remember what it was, my test kit should be with me tomorrow so will do another test on it then.

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