Internation Guppy Show 08

one last bump as this is happening tomorrow

Thought I would add a few photos of the show at the weekend.





Most of these fish sold for between £3 and £10 per pair.
wow new guppie owner here, they are amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mine are all knocked up but they are all so different and i have a lot of orange ones be interested to see what i get i have one with a blood red tail and rainbow colours and a snake skin one? lol
they sure are some beautiful guppies there
if i was nearer i would go to the show
do you know if there are any nearer to devon ?

thanks Sarah xx
The guppy league are starting a guppy show tour of sorts, their will be several show though out the year, with the final at Nottingham in Oct 09
In discussion is Bristol, Corby, Redditch. However these are not finalised
The guppy's will be pointed at show and then colleated and added up fo the final resualts, how ever this will be open to the general public as well so u can see how good your guppies are!

As i get more info on this I'll update.

As for in devon look on PFK site for local clubs, bristol or plymouth are the one's i know off the top of my head.
Or join the BLA to find out more

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