Internal Deltec Skimmer And Rawphos Sponge


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I have sent away for 5 rawphos sponges to try in my internal deltec skimmer instead of rigging up an empty cannister filter and a sock full of the normal stuff to help reduce a Phosphate problem. I intend removing the long sponge filter where the water comes out and cutting the square sponges to size and putting them in. I figured there should be sufficient flow through and as the sponges also have carbon in them it would help as its on the outlet of the skimmer not inlet to "clean" the water as it goes back intot he tank.

I was wondering of anyone has tried this and had any success?

Many Thanks in anticipation :good: .

Just to let anyone reading this thread,

Yes it does work apart from the sponges are thinner than the filter you get with the Deltec and you have to double the Rawphos ones up, no problems to date.

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