Internal Debate


Fish Addict
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pembroke, NH, USA
I was just in my LFS and almost came home with 25 neon tetras for $2.45 each. I come home and see that is having a sale on cardinal tetras, $1.19 each. After figuring shipping I can get 26 cards shipped to me on Tuesday for 3 dollars more. So do I buy 25 neons tomorrow or order the cardinal tetras tonight and get them shipped from California and at my door in 3 days?

It is quite the quandary.
I would personally go with the cardinals. They are more colorful. Here at my LFS, I can get neons for a buck each.
I think it's obviously cheaper to go the cardinals...

However the only problem with ordering fish is you can't see what they look like or check out their health and how they swim etc.
Ahhh right so they're bacteria lovers then?

Not that they are bacteria lovers. They simply do better in well establishd tanks where the pH has settled, No fluctuations. No fluctuations in ammonia or nitrites which can happen in newer tanks with addition of too many fish at one time.Cardinals appreciate and do best in slightly soft acidic water with warmer temps. Neons also appreciate the softer water but do best in cooler temps. These fish can be acclimated to moderately hard water if done slowly but will always do better if pH values are closer to 7.0 as opposed to pH values much above 7.2 in my opinion. With hard alkaline water, they seldom last longer than a few weeks, months.
both neons and cardinals do best in mature tanks.
if you tank is new you should be looking at hardy fish such as WCMMs, danios and pentazona barbs.

remember all new tanks need to be cycled, look at the beginners section on how to cycle a tank
white cloud mountain minnows for those little darlings playing at home :good:
The tank has been up and running for two years so it's mature and ready for to speak.

The water is about 6.6-6.8, 3 dgh and 3dkh so it's slightly acidic and soft. O ammonia and 0 nitrite as, again, it has been set up for some time.
The tank has been up and running for two years so it's mature and ready for to speak.

The water is about 6.6-6.8, 3 dgh and 3dkh so it's slightly acidic and soft. O ammonia and 0 nitrite as, again, it has been set up for some time.

I guess the next question is . . . how large is it? Need a 25-30 imperial gallon for all those neons/cards, and that's without other fish.

I'd get them from the shop, though. At least you can see the condition of them.
Oh, ya. It's a 75 USG, (48"x18"x18")

And my mind was made up for me. I took a trip down to one of my fave shops in the state, Sea World, down in Salem, NH (about an hour away from me). I was staring at their tank of extremely healthy neon tetras, and I mean healthy, ate well when I asked the manager to feed them, colorful, active, just beautiful fish. I was debating on whether or not to get some when the manager asked me how many I was planning on getting and I replied 20, she said if I got 20 she'd throw in 10 for free. I couldn't pass it up. They we're normally $1.99 each, so for $39.80 I got 30 new neons.

Currently drip acclimating them, gonna take my time doing so, and then I'll have a nice, large school of nice looking neons.

Also got a nice package of assorted frozen food for 10 bucks.

All in all a good trip!

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