Internal Debate

Fish have been getting pretty pricy over here lately. Plain zebra danios are going for over a buck in most places. They used to be around $0.25!!!
Hi qwikimpss :)

I believe you did the best thing. Three days in the mail is just too long to count on live delivery of fish. With the cold winter we are having too, the heat packs would probably have cooled off as well.

Enjoy your neons. :D
One of our 3 local LFS sell neons for a buck a piece. They also have cardinals, but they are $5.99 each. Pretty good LFS. They have a 700 gallon display tank with discus like no other.
Pics are forthcoming. I planned on taking some after work but I wasn't planning on working for 12 I'm a little tuckered out.
K, some pics.

Crappy, dark full tank shot. Tough to get good pics with a point-and-shoot.


One of my elderly rummy noses saying "what are you up to? Food?"

A few of my 30 neons.

Shot from the end of the tank.

I absolutely LOVE the colors on all my rummy noses. On the largest the red comes almost halfway down his body, just BEAUTIFUL!!

Decent shot of a few neons.

And finally my flying fox, running about 5.5-6" long and, even though some people think they're drab (like my wife) I think it looks fantastic. He knew I was trying to take a picture and ran and hid, he usually props himself right on top of the fake, ugly wood in there, kinda like a saltwater hawkfish.

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