Internal Backgrounds


Jul 14, 2007
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Basingstoke, Hants. UK
Hi there i really like internal bacgrounds as they don't reflect the light.

Other than juwel and marina what is there?

3d or not.
External backgrounds work out fantastic if you use SeaView gel. Adhears the background to the back of the tank for a much brighter looking background. Looks like the background is in the tank. The gel never dries so you can always replace the background if you need to
External backgrounds work out fantastic if you use SeaView gel. Adhears the background to the back of the tank for a much brighter looking background. Looks like the background is in the tank. The gel never dries so you can always replace the background if you need to

mmm yes exturnal backgrounds look rubbish when you get water marks running down the back or loads of algue on the back glass internal backgrounds look better the more algue on them its just 1 less pain of glass you have to clean which is good in my books mainly because it the hardest pain to get to
The polystyrene backgrounds from Exo terra vivariums are fish safe and can be fitted to the back of a tank using silicon. You can order just the backgrounds from any pet store that sells the exo terra range, the largest one comes in at about £8 if i remember rightly.

The only downside is that you cant use them with plecs or fish that like to rasp on bogwood etc, it isnt harmfull to them but they will bite little chunks off that then float around the tank as i found when one of my rays discovered that chewing the background is fun.
mmm yes exturnal backgrounds look rubbish when you get water marks running down the back or loads of algue on the back glass internal backgrounds look better the more algue on them its just 1 less pain of glass you have to clean which is good in my books mainly because it the hardest pain to get to

Have you ever used SeaView Gel before? Let me answer for you. No. You will not have water marks running down the back that will interfier with the looks of it. I Don't like algae in my tank but I do have some, I don't have any growing on the glass only on my rocks. So scrubing the glass is not somthing I have to do. This is also true for a lot of tanks but not all. As with everything, some things work for some but not for others.
true somethings work better for others

i dont have to worrie about inturnal or exturnal backgrounds as my tank is acylic and the back glass is black acylic :)
Glade we agree on something finally lol :good:

I like the looks of black back but not sure if I would want it on my tank. I do like a lot of the setups with it though. Props to you.
i have had exturnal backgrounds and internal

i found with the exturnal ones because i have big fish their was always water marks down the back and with a big tank its imposable to get them off or even put a new background on

with the intermal they fill up the holes were you put the filter pipes in
Ya I had the same problem with water marks untill I used the gel. It used to bug the crap out of me. Thats also when I saw that the wet areas of the background looked better. :) Got me thinking.....

On my next tank, the 180 im getting shortly I may put an internal packground in but we will see.
Anyone tried the spectacular aquauriums background? internal type 3D made from foam hand painted
in Peru or somewhere!, I have one in my HX1000 I like it looks good but a little pricey!


GreatStuff is an expanding foam used for home sealing. Check out tank of the month on RC. It rocks... er rather it doesn't rock... I mean it... :)

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