No Backgrounds...

You know what ? I’ve tried to figure that out but they all have such a poker face that I can’t tell what they’re thinking .
I know some have had male bettas in separate tanks flare at each other, so there must be some recognition.
I don't have backgrounds on my tanks at this house. The wall behind 2 is kind of dark terra cotta. With many plants I can't really see it or equipment. It could also be I can ignore some things after a while. I like a dark background & have used various things except paint. I guess it's too permanent or I don't think of it in my excitement setting up a new tank.

I was given an acrylic tank that had a blue background. I thought I'd get used to it with plant coverage. But I hated the wide rims with small holes & slots for equipment. So, I gave it away before actually setting all the way up.
For meI l like a painted back ground of an aquarium. It makes it looks so much nicer looking.

The inhabitants seem less stressed with a Painted back ground.

I like to use the texture spray paint in a can.
That makes everything looks like it’s stone
When you spray it on something.

It comes in so many colors now since I used it for the first time.

I sprayed it on my first aquarium stand that I built my self.
It turned out good. At least I thought so.
I also did the same thing to the back of my new/used 75 gallon aquarium.
It came out great.

22years later the stand and the aquarium is still here.
I’m going to be redoing this aquarium into some type of planted aquarium.

I’m not sure what type yet.

I been keeping fish, shrimp ,all kinds of plants for a very long time

I know some things about aquatic lifel

I’m just one that listen to many people who have kept a lot of aquatic life in there time.

I have help teach high school students to learn the proper way to start a aquarium and how to maintain them.

This was a grearv
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I thought of putting a lcd television and be able to have animated backgrounds.

With plants slowly moving in the water and light reflections coming from the sun.

With a complete automated from sunrise to sunset routines.

That would be awesome.
You know what ? I’ve tried to figure that out but they all have such a poker face that I can’t tell what they’re thinking .

It depends on the species. Based on facial expressions and my short experience.

Tetras: What am I doing here ? Where are we going ???
Goldfish: Wanna play ??? Catch me sheriff...
Platies: Cocoricooooooooo, I'm a rooster today !!!
Catfishes: Ohhhh, that is sooooo smooth !!!
Gouramies: Look At that paint finish, bud !!!
Barbs: ...I ain't gonna a take it... Anymore...
Cichlids: Wanna wind that block ? Are ya scared to get wet ?
Betta: Please, please, please gimme a goody... Or. What are you looking at ?
Guppies: Anybody Seen My Baby !?!
Angels: Sorry I've stepped on your dress tail my dear !
Loaches: I see you... But can you see me ?!?

Something like that 😆
For meI l like a painted back ground of an aquarium. It makes it looks so much nicer looking.

The inhabitants seem less stressed with a Painted back ground.

I like to use the texture spray paint in a can.
That makes everything looks like it’s stone
When you spray it on something.

It comes in so many colors now since I used it for the first time.

I sprayed it on my first aquarium stand that I built my self.
It turned out good. At least I thought so.
I also did the same thing to the back of my new/used 75 gallon aquarium.
It came out great.

22years later the stand and the aquarium is still here.
I’m going to be redoing this aquarium into some type of planted aquarium.

I’m not sure what type yet.

I been keeping fish, shrimp ,all kinds of plants for a very long time

I know some things about aquatic lifel

I’m just one that listen to many people who have kept a lot of aquatic life in there time.

I have help teach high school students to learn the proper way to start a aquarium and how to maintain them.

This was a grearv
You _
Your Canadian platies make some unusual noises, lol. Mine have always sounded more like "I have a gonopodium, watch me work now!". So many good old songs that might fit some of our fish. I'm told we don't go for old, or any music references here. My fish like punk with pogoing if it might mean dinner time soon.
Mixed bag because we are still experimenting. I am working on one backer for a 37 gallon tank that will look like barge bunkers on top and rock ledge on the bottom. Using strips of oak for the bunkers and brown cobble on the bottom. Laborious work and may not be worth the effort but want to try something different.
I also so a projector online that makes the room look like it is underwater. Not a tank background but perhaps a total fish room background. It is on my to purchase list for March.
My wife does stained glass as a hobby, and I have to admit, that has made a thought cross my mind. If it didn't overwhelm the colours of the fish, you could do nice work. But I just use black paint, though I used to live near an art supply store that had an acrylic navy blue that worked well.
I have black geotextile left over from garden work behind my gertrudae blue eyes tank, but the others are painted. Acrylic comes off with a razor blade.

I've seen bright silvery fish like Congo tetras looking great in high flow room divider tanks, but I'd never have an uncovered back on a tank of fish that weren't silver.
FIL used to do stained glass, a rectangular panel of green / brown earth colors would look nice...
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All of my planted communities have black backgrounds. My pleco and grow out tanks do not. But they are also not lighted except when I am working in them. Since the fish are active at night and tend to hide during the day, this works.

I do have one or two tanks with an attached background but most are black and are painted on. I was not really concerned with being able to remove the paint. Some ot the tanks also have their sides blacked out as well.

I have swum in lakes and rivers and scuba and snorkled over reefs. What I noticed, and what motivated me, was the fact that in fresh water bodies when submerged what I saw was black. Swimming around the reefs what I saw was blue. So, my thinking was for FW use a black background and if I ever did SW I would have used blue.

One thing to consider with tanks that have live plants is that all plants grow towards the sum to the extent they can. So, if one has a planted tank with no backgrounds and sides also bare, there may be too much llight coming into a tank not from above. This can have an effect on how the plants grow in terms of direction.
My Matten filter, now it has dirtied down a liitle bit ( it was/is blue) has bcome the perfect background for my planted tank

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