Insurance Insurance Insurance - Shaka's In Hospital


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
Yeah, I know insurance is something I often harp on and so many people just do not realise the importance thereof. Or think "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it".

Well, my poor boy Shaka's in hospital :sad: Started with acute and consistently regular aggressive vomiting since Saturday and started looking very ill very fast. By Sunday afternoon of increased downhill trend, I took him to the emergency clinic. They had no clue what was wrong, but sent him home with antibiotics, anti-inflamatories and anti-emetics.
By Monday he was worse, so back again where they've had him on a drip with more meds and tests.
Just waiting to hear back from the vets again as we speak, but they "think" it may be gastroenteritis.

So far - just a drip and basic meds with basic blood test, 2 nights in hospital - it's a £1,000

Hope those without insurance (or their own kitty with immediate access) take note ;)

Here's hoping Shaka improves and can come home tonight - albeit still poorly (fingers crossed). He still hasn't eaten since Saturday, but he's not the type of cat to settle into the hospital and is far more likely to start eating at home.
We shall see :/

Here's a piccie of him taken just a few weeks ago (actually also with the Mika pics)

Sorry to hear that Bloo.

I remember when Ginger had Full Bloodwork and dental work done. the Bill came to over 8ooQuid. But as i worked there the vet did it for free.

People Must have Insurance forthere pets as it costs sooooo much for just a simple thing like having there teeth cleaned.
Thanks Gill :good:

Normal teeth cleaning isn't included on any insurance - and depending on what part of the country you're in etc. the bog standard cat dental without extractions is between £250 - £300 for a normal healthy cat.
Thank goodness I still have friends in the veterinary industry :hyper:
Warm thoughts going out to you and Shaka, hope everything turns out alright. :flowers:
I hope shaka gets home soon, he looks like a beautiful cat :-(

My cat Bozzle recently got hit by a car, he's nearly back to his old self but if we hadn't got insurance I'm not sure we'd been able to take care of him so well - our bill hit about £4000. We saw posters at the vets were people were trying to raise money to get their cats treated for various injuries: it isn't worth the risk - GET INSURANCE!!!
hope he get better soon :good: .

my friend have her pedigree dog since puppy and she always had insurance. now bella is now 10 years old and when she try to renew the insurance, they told her that the dog is too old to insure. is that right? just when she need insurance to most ,as old age tend to have more problems
Thank you so much for the get well wishes everyone!

He came home :hyper: (doing the dance of joy

He's medicated up to his eye-balls and he's started picking at some food again, so I think we're on the road of recovery :good:
:good: So glad he's doing better and back home. I hope he makes a full recovery soon. Shame, poor thing.

oh god i only just saw this post, so sorry he's been poorly bloo, but glad he's home and doing better. got my fingers crossed for him.

but your quite right, insurance is absolutely vital, it's only a few pounds a month and can save you thousands and mean any nescessary treatment can be done immediately.
It is so important to have insurance- I have two siamese cats, the older one (12 now) was hit by a car and nearly lost his leg, the bill was estimated at £2,000 to re-construct his shattered limb by the emergency vet, who offered to do it, but if it wasn't for our vets (lovely people. they are brothers) saying they would do the operation for £250 the same afternoon we would have been in trouble.

Needless to say we have insurance now and Basil is a house cat as he really couldn't run fast now to escape a car. We bought him a friend, Neo, who's now 4 but they are the cutest boys ever- will have to post pics.

How's your boy doing Bloo? He must be like a fatherly figure to Mika! :)

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