Info On Bloodfin Tetras


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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hi i just got some bloodfin tetras and i would like to know a little bit about them... such as how they behave, interact with others, etc. Also, I would be interested in some random information about bloodfin tetras. Thank you and all of your answers are appreciated completely. :)
(google is always good for basic info).........

I'm a big fan of my Bloodfins and think they are a bit underrated (as they look so washed out in the store), for one they will get MUCH redder in a happy long-term home... Mine tend to spend there time on the bottom levels of the tank... They are not hostile to any tank mates.... But I have seen them on occasion (bonus) eating snails.... They seem to eat anything and do a lot of "headstands" while munching off the bottom.... Mine lay eggs at least weekly (didn't start that untill I had them about 6 months and I also feed my tank VERY well).... They seem to completely loose there color while breeding and then get it back an hour later (was shocking the 1st time that happened)... They also jump when egg laying so have a covered tank... I honestly am a big fan of my Bloodfins and they only seem to get better looking the longer I have them... Oh speaking of apparently they can live to be 10 years, but I don't know that personally that’s online info.... Enjoy your new fish...:)
Bloodfin tetras are sub-tropical fish so should ideally be kept at temps between 19-23 degree's.
They are hardy fish and have been known to be used as cycling fish, however like all fish they appreiciate good clean water quality.
They are shoaling fish so a minimum number of 6 or more of them kept together is needed to keep them properly, 15gallons is the minimum recommended size tank for them, but of course if you can afford or fit a larger tank then that is great too :good: .
They are omnivours and insectivores, so a varied diet of veg and high protein based foods is best, frozen or live bloodworms are very good for them.

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