Infinite Supply Of Ammonia....?


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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So, 2 weeks ago I put some ammonia in my tank, been checking it regularly with a Nutrafin test kit, and it seemed to be below 5.0, or at the very least not far above it, it was hard to tell.

Today I picked up a Master kit, and decided to check with the new Ammonia tester in addition to the rest. Turns out this new kit (API) is reporting 8+ (id say 20+ if it was possible) for Ammonia! :(

So I immediately did a water change, about 80-90% maybe more (was hard to get remainder out).

Did another Ammonia test, and to my surprise and utter confusion, it reported 8.0+ again, although it actually looked like 8.0 this time, not 20+ or something ridiculous like last time.

So I did another water change, this time about 20%. Did another test...STILL 8.0+!

What's going on!? :( Anyone have any ideas? I've been cycling (or running the tank atleast) for about 3 weeks now, so i'm kinda annoyed that i may not have even started my cycling yet :(

Forgive the newby-ness, but maybe the filter material and/or carbon thingies have become Ammonia "deposits" or something from the previous excess amounts of Ammonia? Maybe i should try replacing them? Or should i avoid replacing any potential bacteria, if any actually managed to grow at some point.
Could it that maybe you have ammonia in your water? Seems unlikely tho, if you had 5 ppm when you started the cycle.

Yeah test kit sounds a bit dodgy to me, take a specimen of water to your LFS to be independently tested.
Your carbon element in your filter should still be ok, so I would avoid disturbing it in any way.
Also the amount of water you have changed will slow down the cycle process drastically.
Don't know much about fishless cycling, but there is a specified amount of ammonia you should add to the water to begin with, the thread is here, good luck.

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