In These Pics Does She Look Pregnant?

why should i wait till she gives birth then get them because usually people put them in their before they have birth so no fry get eaten. wat if she has them at night then i will proberly lose them all . so i think it would be better to put her in their before she has them wouldnt it. and what should her behaviour be like now? she has been swimming near the bottom latley and keeps hiding away then when i come infront of the tank she comes out for food. why is she hiding away?

because shes loookin for hidin spaces, aint there any in your tank? if u put her in the net before she gives birth she mite get stress and abort the birth, if theres enough hidin spaces im sure u will b able to rescue a few of them
yeah there is i just thought that was what people did but yeah ok i will do what u said thanks. you think she could have them tonight?

how is she actin now? is she movin around the gravel? lookin for hidin spots? her bum stickin down towards the gravel?
urmm well shes just swimming around like normal really. but sometimes shes hiding away.
hmmm, u never know, hopefully in a few days,, it could happen soon, but it might happen at night. but keep an eye on her.

same with mines aswell its due anyday now
she might or might not, i dont want to get your hopes up.. lol how long now till she been preg?
she might or might not, i dont want to get your hopes up.. lol how long now till she been preg?
ino i already have really but ino she might not have them . well im not quite sure because this is the first pregnant guppy i have had and it is her first batch if fry well i found out at the beginning of this post so she should of proberly be en pregnant a week before this post was begun, and it ses the date of the post at the beginning. i have had her for about a month now though.
yup lol it sud b soon now, it can take up to 4weeks from being preg, hopefully mines and urs give birth on the same day ;)
it aint big as yours tho lol, i didnt use liquifry tho i just used crushed up flakes lol dont u have a heater in your tank? use the breedin net that goes in your tank
it aint big as yours tho lol, i didnt use liquifry tho i just used crushed up flakes lol dont u have a heater in your tank? use the breedin net that goes in your tank
yeah but this is for my fry tank what im going to do is let her have them in the main tank like u said and then catch them and put them in my fry tank cause i have already got one and i just need to get a heater for it.

btw i aint got a breeding net

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