In These Pics Does She Look Pregnant?

dam rite they do, 1 of my molies talkin ages to give birth, how long u reckon it takes?
ok thanks do you mean both of them? and do fry need heaters in their tank? soz im not sure about your question never had mollies before. some else will no though.

thanks for the reply
ok thanks do you mean both of them? and do fry need heaters in their tank? soz im not sure about your question never had mollies before. some else will no though.

thanks for the reply

i dont know bout heaters coz ive got my fry in the breadin net in my tank, and there fine in there.
oh ok i might just get a net thing then

well does a fry tank like have to have a heater thing or a lamp to keep it warm?

i have just noticeed this thread is massive! lol lots of replys and questions! lol
yeah the fry thank has to have a heater and filter, but i perfer to use the breedin net it just sticks on the side of the tank, as seeen in my avtar.. lol

back soon
yeah the fry thank has to have a heater and filter, but i perfer to use the breedin net it just sticks on the side of the tank, as seeen in my avtar.. lol

back soon

The filter is not necessary at first as the waste fry make is so minimal that the bacteria have time to grow to keep up with the bioload. The heater is a definite must though.
so when will they give birth roughly? btw y could u only save 3 did u have no hiding places for them its just im hoping i will be able to save atleast half of them.

i do but i think the other fishes got to it, and also when i was cleanin the external filter 3 of the frys was in there i tryed to save them but only i saved one more, now ive got 4frys :D the others went down the sink :( :( i cudnt save dem, damm me
Sponge filters are often prefered on fry tanks. as fry can get sucked into the filter. The other thing you can do is put a stocking over the filter intake.
when about should i put her in the breeding tank? will she have them, like tomorrow or sunday or even next week?? or is it too hard to tell from a video and a picture. btw what does it mean when she is poking aroung the floor with her tail end facing upwards?
and when does she stop eating her food(losing her appitite) because she still eating like normal
its best to wait for her to give it then catch the fry and put them in the net
Poking around in the substrate is just looking for food. Do not mistake this with the need to be fed more necessarily. Fish in the wild mate and look for food. She may not lose her appetite at all. It's been observed, but I don't believe it's a consistency.
why should i wait till she gives birth then get them because usually people put them in their before they have birth so no fry get eaten. wat if she has them at night then i will proberly lose them all . so i think it would be better to put her in their before she has them wouldnt it. and what should her behaviour be like now? she has been swimming near the bottom latley and keeps hiding away then when i come infront of the tank she comes out for food. why is she hiding away?

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