In My Tank

Let me put it like this, get rid of the angel by any means neccesary( dont kill it though) and you wont have to call th lfs if you said a friend has a 50g for it. You can keep the gourami( they can be aggressive) and get 3 corys and you are done. 10g tanks are hard to work with becasue tyou can tbarley anything into them. If it sounded a bit harsh, I am sorry, you seem to be asking the same questions over and over again and you wanted to know how long a angelfish lives for, if you arent keeping it, does it really matter? I hope everything works out for your tank.
OMFG Dude are you listeneing to any of the advice we are giving you?!?!? We said DONT ADD ANYTHING TILLL THAT ANGEL HAS GONE!!
I also noticed that you arent selling it anymore ? why not?

Okay... you know what, clearly Misfits doesn't want whats best for his/her fish... so I say we say the hell with it, we tried to help you Misfits and you clearly aren't going to take our advice.
Yes totally agreee fate, misfits will watch his fish slowly die an awful death right in front of his own very eyes.

BTW I can arrange funerals.

well a good test kit would be the dip strips that have 5 in one tests on them. they're easy to use and not too expensive! the general rule for keeping fish is one inch per gallon of water. if you have a 10 gallon tank, you have 10 inches to work with but remember how big some fish get when they're full grown. a dwarf gourami should not get any bigger than one and a half inches and cories tend to stay small at an inch. so you seem to have 3.5 inches taken up, so you still have some room. you could get some guppies, platys, or maybe a couple mollies but they can get pretty big (3inches). you could get some glolite tetras, they stay nice and small but need to be kept in groups of 4 at least. those are just some options you could consider :good:
well thank you very muchstargirly 1208 i think i am going to get the dip strips and some kind of tetras.

PS would neon tetras be ok
Test strips.. or dipsticks as was said are total crap.
Don't get them b/c they will not give you accurate readings.
You're going to need liquid testers.

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