In My Tank

anglefish actually only need 10gallong per fish because of teritory, I recommened nothing smaller than a 29gallon for angles. 50gallons for a pair is a little outrageous sorry to say, I've done loads of research on angles and currently have 3 in a 29gallon tank and they are happy and fine. 10gallons although needed for territotry is not large enough to house one anglefish in, remove the angle to a large tank or bring him/her back to your LFS. The dwarf gourami is fine in there... I'd suggest adding a 3 cory cat fish for the bottom and 3-5 hatchet fish for the top, leave the middle level for the gourami itself
The top level of the tank... Divide the tank into 3 sections, each 1/3rd of the tank represents a section, the bottom second, the first 1/3rd, is for 3-5 cory cat fish, the middle section , the 2nd 1/3 is for the gourami, and the top section, the last 1/3rd, is the top section for Hatchet fish
I wouldn't recommend hatchetfish for such a small tank, they are quite active and groow too big for that tank.

you also said that a pair of angles needs a 50gallon tank... Hatchet fish get to only 2" max as do most fish, 3 hatchets would be good, however with adiquate filtration and diligante water changes he'd be fine with 3-5...
Okay... like I said and like many others said... THE ANGLEFISH HAS TO GO! They get to minimum 6" long and from top of the fin to bottom 8" usually, Cory cats are fine as bottom fish as they go well in any community
Not at all!

I work at petsmart and I myself have kept angle fish with community fish such as Tetras, Danios, Cory cats and even guppies!
To identify the sex of the gourami, the dorsal(top) fin. Males have longer pointer fins and the females are rounded.
Angelfish can go into a community tank aslong as thy are no housed with small fish such as neon tetra, because once the Angels' are big enough they can eat them.

Emma x
Great so it would be ok to put community fish with the angels, would the Cory cats be good to put in my tank?

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