looking fantastic although the substrate should be live sand. lol.. as in seas it's usually sand at the bottom.. also i agree that you need the zoos., thier very pretty..
Substrate in a reef doesn't have to be live sand although that is what people normally chose for many reason: Availibility, Filtration, Size of the Granule etc etc.
back molly 3:
GSP's don't need high lighting, 2 to 3 watts per gallon will suit them just fine. Also, just remember that zoos contain a toxin! If you get some wear gloves when handling them. Thats what I do. What is your calcium/alk?
are you talking about my devils hand needs more zoos. when will they apear i haven had it for 48 hours yet is it still setteling down or will i need a new light soon.
zoos (aka zoanthids) are a different type of coral. They're very colourful alot of the time. I think you really need to find out your flowrate though before adding anymore.
well this post died so i decided t bring it back to life. i had a big change around and this is how the tank looks like now. caustion no corals have came out in this photo
tell me what you think and what could be improved
black molly3
also i know this may sound a bit stupid but could i but some live sand and put i over my substrate.
you could put some over your gravel stuff, but it would be better tp change it all out for sand cause debris and stuff can accumulate in the gravel you have