Impromptu betta purchase!

They're gorgeous, I love dobermans.

Look forward to seeing your tank with the new wood.
Thanks! And here it is, still a touch cloudy but getting there.
Ok and please get back to showing us that gorgeous Beta!!!
Sorry I railroaded his thread!!


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No problem it's good seeing other tanks :) that wood fits perfectly, good find! It looks great.

So Benny was showing off this morning. Looking back through the photos he's grown a LOT! He still won't flare but I don't want to stress him out trying to make him. I did see him peck a snail this morning, I hope it was a one off as he's been really good with them so far.


I'm having trouble keeping the temperature even at the bottom of the tank. I made a new thread for that it the emergency section.
He looks amazing!!! And the tank looks great! Weird problem with the that because the tank is more tall than long?
Hopefully someone can help you.

I'm having problems with my wood which I posted in .....hum, I don't remember where.

Always something withbfish keeping.
Thanks. I'm really pleased with everything. Except the temperature.

I think it must be to do with the shape yes. It's actually wider than it looks, it's deceptive because the front is narrower. There's only a centimetre difference between the width at the back and the height. It's literally as if there's a divider between the bottom couple of inches and the rest of the tank, like an instant change in temperature, not a gradual change, as if there's a line drawn there. It's really weird. I hope I can sort it for the sake of my poor snails.

I'll have a look for your wood thread lol.
Your tank looks great!

I was always curious, is there a reason for putting the heater on an angle? I see a lot of people do that. I have always had it vertical near the top of the tank.

Would moving the heater down lower help with the temperature difference? I must admit, I've always had my thermometer up near the top of the tank and never checked the temperature near the bottom. I'll have to move it down and see if it is the same.
What kind of floating plants are they? I have been looking for some nice floating plants, but can't find any.
Thank you :)

The heater is mounted on an angle to ensure that the water is heated as evenly as possible, across the height and the width of the tank. I always keep the thermometers far away from the heater so that I can check that the heat is distributed properly. I think my issue must be the lack of water movement at the bottom, so the heat isn't being distributed to there. I wonder if putting the heater at the bottom horizontally would help because heat rises so the water above should still be warm. I'll have to try it. I've never had a thermometer at the bottom either, it was just such a sudden change in temperature that I couldn't help but notice.

The plants are water lettuce. The adult plants are lovely and the roots get really long - great for bettas. And the Norman's lampeye killifish in my other tank love it too. I have it in both of my tanks. I've had salvinia natans in the past but I didn't like it. I like the roots on the water lettuce.
I did actually buy some water lettuce a few weeks ago, but it all completely disappeared! I like the roots, too. I'll have to keep looking!

Thanks. I'm really pleased with everything. Except the temperature.

I think it must be to do with the shape yes. It's actually wider than it looks, it's deceptive because the front is narrower. There's only a centimetre difference between the width at the back and the height. It's literally as if there's a divider between the bottom couple of inches and the rest of the tank, like an instant change in temperature, not a gradual change, as if there's a line drawn there. It's really weird. I hope I can sort it for the sake of my poor snails.

I'll have a look for your wood thread lol.

That's really crazy! I guess the shape really throws things off ...which is hard to understand.

I see you have rocks on the it at all possible that they hold onto cold temps making it feel cooler down there?!?

Oh I'd love if you visited my wood thread! I'll get back over there as I discovered something new before I left for work. I don't have a computer at work and it's awkward doing this on my phone.

Does the beta stay away from the bottom because it's cooler? Just wondering
My 48-gallon is shaped the exact same way, only bigger, of course. Longer back than front and beveled sides. I'll have to test the temperature near the bottom just out of curiosity. I do have and undergravel filter, so I imagine the water temperature is the same at the bottom as the top.
My 48-gallon is shaped the exact same way, only bigger, of course. Longer back than front and beveled sides. I'll have to test the temperature near the bottom just out of curiosity. I do have and undergravel filter, so I imagine the water temperature is the same at the bottom as the top.

I'd be really interested to know whether your tank is the same temperature wise if it's the same shape! If you find out please would you let me know?

Does the beta stay away from the bottom because it's cooler? Just wondering

Nope he's swimming around all over the place. It's very odd.
I put a thermometer at the bottom and at the top of my aquarium tonight on the opposite side from the heater, and both read 82 degrees F.

My tank is the same shape as yours, but it is much longer and a little taller; 48" across the back and about 20" tall. The front is shorter and the sides are beveled like yours. I do have a lot of circulation with a bubble wall, under gravel filter and canister filter.
I was thinking, could your heater not be strong enough? I see that there are different size heaters for different size tanks.

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