The import regulations mean that the dog cant be imported until its had a rabies vaccination, then a blood test taken (one month later), it can then come into the country if a second blood test comes back clear 6 months later.
Our two choices are, have all that done as soon as the puppy is old enough and then let the breeder keep it until it 9 months old and able to come into this country without quarentine, or get the vaccination and blood test done, ship the puppy over (not nice for a 9 week old puppy!!) then stick the poor thing in quarentine kennels until its 9 months old. I dont know about you guys, but much as we would love to have the puppy in this country to be able to visit it is very cruel to take it away from its home, then stick it in kennels for 6 months so thats not an option. I'd much rather let it stay with the breeder
And they would charge for the food they have to feed it from 8 weeks old until it came to live with us. That is totally acceptable i think as we couldn't expect them to feed and raise it for 6 extra months for free!!!
Oooh, and im not a spaniel person to be honest - too much trimming and grooming to show and too noisy!!

I have liked the tollers for a long time but they are so hard to get over here i didn't think it was an option. I've wanted a pug since i was tiny and still do want one!!

But i think for the moment the toller is the better option as its a more active dog, and i'd love to be able to do agility and flyball with it!

a pug is more of a lap dog - i will get one eventually though