Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

sami the cichlid

Fish Crazy
Oct 22, 2009
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ok, ive had these fry for nearly 6days,

wht i didnt realise was that i was treating their water with nitrate remover (the label was in german
) so now i added dechlorinator last night and 2 died 2day and another one is defo dying. the others are happy,healthy and on the constant search for food. i will do a water change tonight as this was the ammonia etc in the morn:

ammonia- 0ppm
nitrite- 0-0.25ppm (more 0)

are these deaths normal, the result of chlorine over dose (which is now gone) or bad care?
how many and what size tank or is it a breeding net/trap? any filter, heater if it is separate? the dechlorinator shouldn't make them die, but you never know cos they are fry and arent as resilient to changes.
30 fry approx. they are in a heated 5g with a filter, regualr water changes (daily). the dechlorinator was added straight into the tank last night. im so confused as ive done everything possible too keep them going. another 1-2 look like their dying.
Is the nitrite reading definaely 0. What test kit are you using?

Don't quite understand why you have to use a nitrate remover.
Your nitrate reading quite good.
You can triple dose declorinator and it won't harm your fish.

Any signs of darting, excess mucas, fish swimming upside down, or tilting, gasping or laboured breathing.

Sorry didn't see the other reply.
Your tanks overstocked.
Immediate water change and increase aeration.
Is the nitrite reading definaely 0. What test kit are you using?

Don't quite understand why you have to use a nitrate remover.
Your nitrate reading quite good.
You can triple dose declorinator and it won't harm your fish.

Any signs of darting, excess mucas, fish swimming upside down, or tilting, gasping or laboured breathing.

Sorry didn't see the other reply.
Your tanks overstocked.
Immediate water change and increase aeration.

the nitrate remover was an accident. no, only these signs when there at the bottom and i no there dying (laboured breathing and tilting)

ive powered up the filter and i can do a w/c in a few hours
What is your tap nitrate reading.

Is the nitrate remover or declorinator out of date.

What make of test kit are you using as the tanks overstocked.

Immediate water change just incase it's the nitrate remover.
To keep nitrates low you do water changes and rinse a sponge if its really mucked up in old tank water.
Do you use a gravel vac when doing water changes.
What filter are you using.

Did you overdose the nitrate remover.

Do the sick fish look pale or darker in colour.
Any sores of red streaking on there bodies.
Do they look bloated or thin.
Any the sick fry acting listless and lethagic.
What is your tap nitrate reading.

Is the nitrate remover or declorinator out of date.

What make of test kit are you using as the tanks overstocked.

Immediate water change just incase it's the nitrate remover.
To keep nitrates low you do water changes and rinse a sponge if its really mucked up in old tank water.
Do you use a gravel vac when doing water changes.
What filter are you using.

Did you overdose the nitrate remover.

Do the sick fish look pale or darker in colour.
Any sores of red streaking on there bodies.
Do they look bloated or thin.
Any the sick fry acting listless and lethagic.

the dying fry are lathargic and thin, i did a water change to find out that the dechlorinator is outta date, is this dangerous?
most likely thats the cause of the deaths if they suddenly started dropping dead after the dechlorinator was added - i did something similar with "stress coat" and have accidentally fed my fish out of date food (which they ate quite happily!). I would buy some working dechlorinator asap and do some more water changes with it- removing some water first, adding dechlorinator to dose the whole tank and then adding the new water in.
Are the fish thin because there not eating.

Being thin can be fish tb, bacterial, internal parasites, not feeding enough, old age.

Do your fish show any of these signs. Even in other tanks.
Long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spines.
Fish swimming on there sides, or tilting to oneside.
Are the fish thin because there not eating.

Being thin can be fish tb, bacterial, internal parasites, not feeding enough, old age.

Do your fish show any of these signs. Even in other tanks.
Long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spines.
Fish swimming on there sides, or tilting to oneside.

none of the above except tilting when on the floor (only the 2 "dying" ones so i put it down to weakness)

i got the new dechlorinator and am gonna do a 40% w/c
The fish shouldn't be thin.
Is it possible to load a pic up of the sick fish.
The fish shouldn't be thin.
Is it possible to load a pic up of the sick fish.

i could get a pic tomoz or later tonite. i just fed them and most (all but like 1 or 2) are v fat :p, so they all healthy (the 1 or 2 were still searching for food btw) i have isolated the 2 "dying"/"ill" ones in a floating cup. the rest are really active, happy, healthy, fat! and fine.

I did a 40% water change and added the rite, unexpired conditioner. so hopefully no or mabey 1-2 deaths tomoz and then none the following day :D
Just needed to rule out internal parasites as they can pass onto the fry from the mother when she was pregnant.
shes probably feeling better with the water changes minus the chlorine and less out of date dechlorinator in the water :good:

good luck with the fry :good:

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