Im Thinking Of Starting A Compatibility List For Community Tanks Anyon


Fish Herder
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
i think it would be best to get feedback on compatible fish from peope who have had first hand experiences of keeping them since most things in books and the internet do not always apply.
all live bearers. lots of small tetras. but beware of fin nippers. corydoras catfish, shrimps, some smaller barbs(cherrys are good bu can be a little aggressive
most loaches are good community fish..
clown loaches
chain loaches
pakistani loaches too.
Bronze Cory
Peppered Cory
Albino Cory
Upside-Down Catfish
Chocolate Dora

I have two of each of these in my 100l tank along with a Siamese Fighter. No issues so far with compatibility.

The Doras will grow to about 8-10"in a year or two, so I will need a larger tank in a while, but at themoment, they are less than 2" long.
yes, and betta splendens is in a rather busy community tank. look at the 20 gallon in my doubletail is doing fine.

its hard to say though which fish are always community fish because some individual fish may act outside of their species behavior. also the set up can influence some mean fish to never cause problems and visa versa.

halfbeaks are very peaceful, surely you can add them to your list.

whiteclouds dont bother anybody

rubbernose and clown plecos

cherry barbs

my tiger barbs are also one of my community tanks, as long as theyre in big numbers they dont bother anyone. if your serious about your list then maybe have a few different kinds of compatibility lists, because tiger barbs are fine in some cases, but other cases they wouldnt be considered a peaceful community fish.

zebra danios are last-

all of these are the most peaceful fish ive had experience with
A lot comes down to the betta's personality, but in general, gouramis, brightly colored fish, and long finned fish sometimes trigger aggression in bettas. Any fish with even the slightest nippiness in it may not be able to resist having a go at the betta's fins, even if they don't bother any other fish (for example, neon tetras).

Often recommended tankmates: Otos, corys, white cloud minnows.

Betta's are a good example of why a straight unqualified list of community fish is prone to problems. They can be good community fish, but usually not with many other good community fish. Angelfish and tiger barbs can both be kept in a community, just not the same community.
i think the agression from bettas to gouramis also has to do with how related they are. arent they from the same family or something??
Yes they are anabantoids.
they like caves and the top section of the tank.
and both make bubble nests,

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