I'm Soooo Excited....

Sweet! But mine's prettier :p hehe

Have to say although Netty's picture is great it doesnt do him justice! He has so many colours in him from silver to aqua, green and pink as he moves and the light reflects off him.

Have you chosen a name for yours yet Tibby? Im still deciding, hes so pretty but so boyish too I cant decide. I might go with Impy or Oberon, will see how I feel in the morning lol!
Ok so we got Oberon now so just need Tibby to pick out a name from the same theme lol


The men and women in the play of high social class:
Lysander, beloved of Hermia
Hermia, beloved of Lysander, engaged to Demetrius
Helena, in love with Demetrius
Demetrius, in love with Hermia but then falls in love with Helena later on. Engaged to Hermia
Egeus, father of Hermia, wants to force Hermia to wed Demetrius
Theseus, Duke of Athens, good friend of Egeus
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and betrothed of Theseus

The lower-class citizens in the play:
Philostrate, Master of the Revels for Theseus
The acting troupe (otherwise known as The Mechanicals):
Peter Quince, carpenter, who leads the troupe
Nick Bottom, weaver; he plays Pyramus in the troupe's production of "Pyramus and Thisbe," and gets a donkey head put on him by Puck so that Titania will magically fall in love with a monster.
Francis Flute, the bellows-mender who plays Thisbe.
Robin Starveling, the tailor who plays Moonshine.
Tom Snout, the tinker who plays the wall.
Snug, the joiner who plays the lion.

The supernatural characters:
Puck, a.k.a. Hobgoblin or Robin Goodfellow; a faun, servant to Oberon
Oberon, King of Fairies
Titania, Queen of Fairies
Titania's fairy servants (her "train"):
First Fairy
Peaseblossom, fairy
Cobweb, fairy
Moth (sometimes rendered as 'Mote') fairy
Mustardseed, fairy
:lol: :lol: I second that.....it's perfect for the naughty little fishie!!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Wash your mouth out with soap woman!!!!

You'd better hurry or we'll name him for you :p
Awwww......that's sweet. Does it mean anything or did you just make it up?
OK. Loki it is. he likes :p Sorry Netty, Manchester has brought out his mischievious side. He is named for the song Loki, by Pull Tiger Tail, which in turn is named for Loki, god of mischief :)
Good name. Sounds like he's gone from the quiet rural life to becoming a city boy :lol: :lol: He'll be having burberry accessories next like a proper Chav boy :lol: :lol:
:rofl: :rofl:

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