I'm So Excited!

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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I know I know I know I know I know I want you want you! :lol: :lol:


getting my first betta in a few weeks, just thought I'd share him with you!!

Getting myself al excited now. He's gonna have a 5g hex all to himself, sandy bottom some rocks and wood and nicely planted :D Been reading up the FAQ topics at the top of the page and Ian's got a betta already who seems to be very very happy so fingers crossed between us we'll be fine! Just can't wait to meet him.

Can't think of a name though, suggestions anyone?

He's Nice - He's from Joby isn't he.
He's lovely.

Well seeing as he's white & a fighter, how about either Cooper or Bugner - two of the last great white hopes?

since Ian got his betta a few weeks back I'd been umming and aahing over getting one myself, definately wanted to get another 5g hex as his is on his bedside table and it'll look really nice to have matching ones, wasn't sure what to put in it, was thinkign maybe a female betta or dwarf puffer.... then joby posted her new stock and i saw him and :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: the rest is history!

cooper and bugner ??? boxers or soemthing I presume? means nothing to me!
don't want any boxers :p

i've thought before about a greek/egyptian god or soemthing alone those lines for a name..... don't really know many though :rolleyes:

hmmmmmmmmmm posiedon.... i like that actually :D
thoth, poseidon, iris, oranus , and cronus are all good names there all greek gods apart from thoth who is an egyptian god
thoth - the eyptian god who invented hyrogliphics
poseidon - roman god of the sea's
iris - one of the messengers of the roman gods
oranus - the first roman god of the sky
cronus - the king of the roman gods before zeus took over ( he was very cruel and actualy you could say he was just pure evil)
i think they are all good names

I'm liking posiedon, gonna wait until I've got him before i decide, need to see what his personality is like really.
Poseidon is actually Greek; Neptune is the Roman name for the same sea god, if you want something a bit less epic-sounding. Scylla and Charybdis are other good sea-related names, they were sea monsters in Greek mythology.

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