Many of the residence on the inland where my grandparents lived had commercial fishing or lobster boats that I was able to go out on. You never knew what would get caught in the traps or nets. The lobster traps were scary because sometimes you had to reach in and grab the lobsters or crabs. Some of the crabs were really large. Most crabs you threw back into the ocean. I would wear an old set of tennis shoes when I went swimming just in case I stepped on a crab or lobster which I did several times. At low tide there were pools of water with lobster, fish and crabs in them. These were a one to three feet deep with very clear water. It was fun to watch the wildlife like having an every changing aquarium. There was clam beds where I got to go clamming and a saltwater peat bog on the other side of the island that at low tide had all sorts of wild life and pools too. There was also a oyster bed that ran from the island to a small uninhabited island. It was mostly a rocky shore line except for the bog and clam bed. The only down side was I was the only kid on the island except for a girl who was several years younger.