I'm sad.

By the way - I've been doing wellness checks all over town lately, and haven't run across any sickes (except these 2 from last night) anywhere, including WalMart in weeks. I think I falsely thought that places in town were starting to clean up their acts so I felt comfortable in starting to buy healthy fish.

I suppose I could always divide off a hunk of my 10G tank.... and he could go in there after he's nursed back to health.. :look:
That is so sad but understandable. If I had more knowledge (and he was over here) I would take him.
Just keep reminding yourself of the good you have accomplished with the ones you have :)
It is a disgrace, alot of the aquatic shops where I live (Irvine in scotland) they fish are in a terrible state, there are a few in nearby Glasgow and alot of times I drive for an hour there and an hour back and often come away empty handed because in almost every tank there is white spot, dead fish (and I dont just mean one or two either) or they are just sitting about at the bottom.

Im actually opening my own aquatics in about 18 months and quite frankly I cant wait!
Bettamomma, don't feel guilty about buying healty fish. If you hadn't of got them, I'm sure they wouldn't have been healthy for long, and they have a much better home with you than with some snotty kid who keeps it in something no bigger than the cup it was in at the shop. And who probably never changes the water either.
I agree with Oohfeeshy. When I was getting Orion and Draco, all of the bettas looked pretty healthy. Some were more active than others, but that could just be personality differences. When I went back a week later, I saw a couple that had been there before, including a blackish/blue one that had the curling fins and looked to have fin rot. I felt really rotten, he was one of the ones I had looked at, but I didn't really wish I could go back and exchange the guys I have now, it could just as well have been one of them there with the fin rot or else dying in some "betta bowl" the size of a wine goblet. Most of those "healthy" bettas are bound for death and misery too. Perhaps if you had taken the other one, it'd now be one your boys sitting there on death's door, sick and shredded. So I don't think you, or anyone really, should ever feel guilty for choosing a fish based on pleasing looks. In a pet store situation, it's probably a darn good chance that you're rescuing it from a horrible life.

I admit, I particularly wanted to find healthy fish after my ordeal with Haiku. I'm new to all this, and I NEEDED success or I'd just have gotten very discouraged. I think it's admirable to save ones in immediate need, but I think it's natural for people to choose ones that look healthy. When people are picking out a flower or plant at a nursery, they tend to pick one pleasing to the eye and even more, one that is healthy looking. I'm not equating the life of a fish to that of a plant (though to some, they probably are equal), but I just think it's natural for people, especially if new to caring for something, to pick something they have the most chance of success with. Yes your Six or Charlie may have been purchased by someone else, but they very well could have ended up in some vase with a plant, one of those stupid bubble purses, or some other atrocious device like that candle bowl.
Yeah, you're all right (as usual) :)
I've decided I will wait another week or so, and if I go back in there, I will consider rearranging some of my current fishies to make room for him.

I guess it'll be up to the fishy gods as to whether he will be with me or not.

EDIT: I don't want anyone to think that I feel like everyone (or anyone, for that matter) should buy sick fish over healthy fish, ever. Everyone is entitled to buy healthy fish, and for the sake of the fish, it's usually in the best interest of everyone TO buy them healthy. My whole problem is that I pride myself on getting sickies that nobody else wants and healing them - and so I'm just getting down on myself for this - not anybody else.
I thought I'd send a photo......


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HOLY moly.
I just found out who this is here in this picture.
It's the little guy I WAS sad about.
Grulla went and got him today. :D

He's still not out of the woods yet, hopefully we can get him some meds, but at least he's got a great new place to live for now.

I'm so very happy, she's such a wonderful person!!!
:kana: Yeah for Grulla!! It brought tears to my eyes thinking about that poor little sick fellow and being too far away to help. :sad:
You can imagine how much it sucked to be right HERE and not be doing anything.
i'm going out to her house tonight with meds, a heater, an airstone and probably some other goodies! :)

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