I'm Ready To Give Up

That's fine.
Can you post water stats.

Have you run some black carbon to remove the med?
Carbon is in. I don't see flashing anymore but fish still
Spits up some food. Ph 6.8. A,N, N are 0,0, and just slightly over 0. I use liquid api tests. Gh is 4. I plan to mainly keep gouramis of the acidic blackwater types.
Wilder, separate question maybe you can answer... Whenever i buy chocolates they get ick right away. They are prone to it i read. Rather than use strong stuff like quick cure, are they too delicate for salt?
I have never kept chocolate gouramis so don't no much about them.

When you get the new fish home test the LFS bag water for PH, and temp.
This way you will know how long to climatise the new fish for.

I have only treated for whitespot once and I used a med.
Never used the salt method.
Maybe ask about the salt method in tropical discussion. What types of fish you shouldn't
use the salt method on.

The fish that spitting the food out does he look thin, or bloated.
Neither. He looks great. Chocolate gouramis change color under stress and he has nice coloration.
Just keep an eye on your fish.
If any changes don't hesitate posting an update.

Good Luck.

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