Im new to this forum and very dissapionted

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he thought it was a ct but it is a vt w a injured tail. he called people asses and he called me a elementry school reject and a loser when in fact i have kept bettas for 5 years
Oh. The playboy sign gave his stupidity away. XP So there isn't anything wrong with owning VT's?
Yep, lol. At first, when you wrote Dweenus, I thought you were insulting me lol. I forgot that it was my username. On a hamster forum me and this girl had a joke about me being a Dweenus, so when they are mad at me the forum people call me a Dweenus. XD
VT's are like any other tail type, except they are much more common, that's all. You tend to see these more in fish stores than say, a CT. They are just like any other betta :rolleyes: I have three and I love them to death!
i see your point Jen and (although i'm no angel by anyone's standards) i have to say, there are plenty of times we could be nicer. the thing is that most of us get fed up with having to address the same issues two or three times a week (i.e. breeding VT mutts, appropriate male to female ratios, or "what can i keep with common semi-aggressive fish X?"). so when someone lashes out or over-reacts... a certain frenzy comes over us. :/ unfortunately, we're not much better than the fish we keep in terms of being cool-headed.

in the months i've been an active member, i've found that the vast majority of the people on the receiving end are pretty antagonistic themselves. for example, our darling friend wwstar who likes to call names, violate our position as a "family-friendly" forum, and disagree violently with fairly knowledgable recommendations. although there were indeed two or three members who sank to his level in both the betta and livebearer threads, Annistasia and Tokis-Pheonix at no point merited the sorts of responses they recieved. frankly, my rule of thumb is how one responds to Annistasia--she's a nice, level-headed person and if you respond to her disrespectfully, thumbs down!

anyways, what i hear from the established members is that it'll all be better once summer is over. the hot-heads will cool off and idle hands will back in school instead of on the keyboards.

a side note on my use of the term "VT mutts": I personally feel strongly against the breeding of the cheapie bettas of unknown lineage that one gets from Walmart and the like. I especially feel that one should not breed the veiltails considering the vast number of them already dying a slow death on the shelves. However, if you have a quality VT with known genotypes and desirable, transferable characteristics--have at it if you have an established means of getting the fry to good homes (not if you just think you might could get some LFS somewhere to take them in).
You didnt say "what a nice betta" you said what a nice Vt.
Well, we shouldn't lie to him, right? Anybody could see that it wasn't a true CT, so we wanted to tell him that, because you know the whole ''don't breed VTs thing". Its like breeding a mixed breed dog- not always a good idea for different reasons. I agree though that some of us came off a little too strong-and I have too wittnessed a bit of rudeness on this forum lately, but really, there are worser forums out there. Trust me.
I really don't have much to say. I haven't found the people here to be mean without reason. Topics get heated and people get hot, but no body goes lashing out.

I belong to 3 fish forums (too much time online, I know) and this isn't the friendliest, nor the meanest. It does have the people with the best info about bettas for me, similar interests to and people who can help me with my issues.

If I don't agree with someone, I generally read what others are also saying. If I wanted only one person's opinion I would use email, not a forum.

If everyone tells me I am an idiot, I might rethink my thinking, or discount theirs, but calling them idiots really won't help. (Yes, I know the word "idiot" wasn't used, but I didn't want to spotlight anyone, so I paraphrased.)

In the same way that a person who is having a bad day can seem overly harsh, a person who doesn;t get the response they expect or think is warranted might get harsh in a forum. And if that is all you read, you might think that is all there is.

I suppose I did have a bit to say, but I am not even really sure what my point is. I will shut up now. :fun:
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