Im Naughty

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What you did was stealing. You know that or you wouldn't have run out of the store laughing. If you were so sure that what you did was right you would have stayed and had THIS conversation with the staff and patrons of that lfs. True? I've enjoyed some of your infut on other threads - however, what Modern Hamlet says is true, this is troll like behavior - why bring this to us? It takes a lot for me to post this because what MH and others say is tru - my posting on this only make it more interesting for you to keep this up. I did struggle with that and decided that I would post none the less, I mean you no harm but you are not being helpfull with these types of threads and I feel that a lot of time is wasted on them where we could be helping others or learning much more about this fantastic hobby.

Yes, I like predatory fish

What the hell has that got to do with anything, ive probably kept more predatory fish than you have seen but i dont use feeders and wouldnt have chucked a guppy into a tank of oscars.

At the end of the day this post was put here to seek attention and cause trouble, why you feel the need to do this i dont know but it is the second time you have done it now and if you try it again i will be recomending you are banned.

This post is now closed but i will leave it here for now.
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