Im Naughty

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timbo_ska said:
Dont want to play devils advocate, but in the wild, that happens all the time every second, infact killing an vertabrate to feed it to something isnt that exactly the same? possibly even worse as the fish suffers while its out of the water awating mr. guiltine
Consider this. A small guppy fed to a big fish might not die when swallowed. It'll be slowly destroyed by whatever stomach acids a oscar has. Would you like to die like that?

Yes, this happens in the wild (ever gone fishing and caught a big fish, only to find that it's latest meal was still barely alive in its stomach? :crazy: ), but isn't the whole point here that since we keep fish in captivity, we should try to provide better conditions than in the wild? Being chased down and eaten will certainly cause more stress than a quick snap of the neck before the fish is fed to something else.

And to answer your question, yes, I think feeding live snails and shrimp is cruel. I wouldn't do it.
Did everyone here just join the internet or something?

I've watched thread after thread go by and people rise to the bait everytime.


You're not going to talk sense into him and he's not going to see the error of his ways. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Too bad your parents suck, kid. With as little respect as you've been taught, your chances of success in this world are slim. Do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. I for one am tired of hearing your bull.

And those of you arguing that this happens in nature... show me a 30 gallon unescapable box containing an oscar and a guppy in the wild. What this kid did has nothing to do with the natural order of things. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise. This kid is the young Caesar watching lions maul helpless slaves for his own enjoyment.
modernhamlet said:
You're not going to talk sense into him and he's not going to see the error of his ways. Ignore him and he'll go away.
Unfortuantely if those of us with sense use the "ignore him and he'll go away" method and don't respond in protest, that'll only leave the other jerks who respond and encourage him. This forum will be overrun with morons like this troll (good word!))
How on earth is that even funny. If I was aloud I would say alot worse......

Only a juvenile moron would find that entertaining, i hope when you grow up you will realise what a senseless and cruel thing that was to do and feel ashamed of yourself.

To right
heresmike said:
Unfortuantely if those of us with sense use the "ignore him and he'll go away" method and don't respond in protest, that'll only leave the other jerks who respond and encourage him. This forum will be overrun with morons like this troll (good word!))
In my experience, the more attention they get, particularly from those that tell them they are wrong, the more likely they are to stick around. The best forums I've been a part of worked because troll threads managed a couple of responses at best and quickly dropped off the main page. And those that attract multiple idiots are perfect! You can just ignore the whole thread! Troll don't entertain other trolls very much for some reason... :)

Of course a couple of vetrans should post calm responses when the post involves bad advice, but it's the "pile on" approach that keeps the troll coming back for more. It's all about attention. Don't give it to them and they will quickly look elsewhere for it.

For a perfect example of a thread that trolls love, see: I HATE BETTAS

77 replies makes up for a lot of anger and disappointment at home and school...
Making the kid jump off a bridge for feeding a guppy to an oscar seems a bit extreme. I doubt he even did that, I think he's making it up.
Did you know that the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits...guess which category you fall in.
I'm not siding with him but we have feeder guppies in the u.s born to feed fish. It is cruel but It's natures way. Although it's pretty stupid to steal the fish, in front of the employees, and then brag about it. Keep it to yourself and stop trying to get people mad!!!!!! Example: I HATE BETTAS!!!
bkk_group said:
if i had been unlucky enough to have such a low paying job (at my age) and had been working that department and you did that, i would have smacked you upside the head, son. ;)
Um Hum :nod: *nuff said*
I dont think its so much the morality of feeding the guppy. Its the fact of the arrogance that he took to just remove a fish and feed it to another fish. Was it A fancy Guppy? It annoys me at his arrogance and lack of disregard for constraint.
modernhamlet said:
Did everyone here just join the internet or something?

I've watched thread after thread go by and people rise to the bait everytime.


You're not going to talk sense into him and he's not going to see the error of his ways. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Too bad your parents suck, kid. With as little respect as you've been taught, your chances of success in this world are slim. Do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. I for one am tired of hearing your bull.

And those of you arguing that this happens in nature... show me a 30 gallon unescapable box containing an oscar and a guppy in the wild. What this kid did has nothing to do with the natural order of things. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise. This kid is the young Caesar watching lions maul helpless slaves for his own enjoyment.
Hahahah thats the biggest joke i've heard since joining this forum. Lets break this one down into singular insults:

You're not going to talk sense into him and he's not going to see the error of his ways. Ignore him and he'll go away.

I don't need anybody to talk sense into me. I'm actually a very senseful guy who does great in school, is a reliable a freind and is someone who does community service for hours each weekend. Im actually quite full of sense, the fact that I post something on a forum doens't take that away from me, so please dont insult my character over your dislike for a thread. And no, I wont go away, even if the big guns on here dont like me, I actyally do help a lot of people around the forum and have made plenty of friends in the process.

Too bad your parents suck, kid. With as little respect as you've been taught, your chances of success in this world are slim. Do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. I for one am tired of hearing your bull.

My parents suck? You crossed the line on that one asshole. My dad had a heart-attack and my mom has debilitating arthritis, and yet during these rough times they have been able to keep our family strong, and together. Everyday they go to work so that me, my brother, and my sister can live a great life and for that I am very grateful. My chances for success in the world aren't slim, I've actually been told the exact opposite by every teacher I've had in my life. I know what's important in my life, and I keep my priorities in order. Another miss. Do us a favour and jump of a bridge? How bout you hang yourself because the world would be a lot better without the addition of whiney jerks like you whos goal it is to make everyone elses lives miserable. I dont intend to be doing any bridge jumping in the future, sorry.

And those of you arguing that this happens in nature... show me a 30 gallon unescapable box containing an oscar and a guppy in the wild. What this kid did has nothing to do with the natural order of things. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise. This kid is the young Caesar watching lions maul helpless slaves for his own enjoyment.

This kid, this kid, this kid. Stop calling me a kid. A kid is someone who eats bugs. Yes, I like predatory fish ;) But it was a FEEDER GUPPY! Thats what they are bred for, feeding! Its fate would have been now different if I hadnt done what I'd done.

Not only was your post the biggest joke modernhamlet, your a character is a joke compared to some of the ppl I know.
Feeder guppy or not, I don't see why it had to be put in there alive. Unnecessary suffering. :no: Isn't the guppy's life worth anything? Why do you think it doesn't deserve to even get a painless end to its life?

I guess modernhamlet is right. For someone who doesn't want to be called a kid, you sure act like one.
I understand the concept of breeding guppies as food for other fish. If I had oscars I would do it myself, but I would kill the guppies quickly and painlessly before feeding them to the other fish. There's the difference that you don't seem to understand.
modernhamlet said:
Too bad your parents suck, kid. With as little respect as you've been taught, your chances of success in this world are slim. Do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. I for one am tired of hearing your bull.
Whether or not you agree with the idea of feeding live food to fish, what you said in this paragraph was an absolutely horrible thing to say. I can't believe you would actually tell somebody to "jump off a bridge". This entire paragrpah reeks of immaturity.

I actually was a friend of somebody who was often told she was worthless, etc. And she eventually killed herself :-( :sad: . All because some a**holes didn't have the maturity to show any sort of kindness.

I'm not going to argue about whether or not it is appropriate to feed live food to fish, however comments like these are absolutely innapropriate.
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