Im Naughty

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Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
Today, at PETsMART, I was looking at the fish. The Oscars looked really hungry, so I walked over to the guppy tank, netted one with the employee net, and then dropped him in the Oscar tank, some guy started yelling from the back corner. Then I ran....Oh man good times as a teen eh! Best days of my life. :thumbs: ;)
HAHAHA, that's great!

The other day while I was at Petsmart getting my weekly supply of snails for my dwarf puffers (they let me come in whenever I want and get as many as I want for free), I decided to get another ghost shrimp for my puffers. They get these about once a month.

Anyways, the employee asked me what I was feeding it too, so when I told her she thought that was the greatest thing ever. So she went and got 2 of the ghost shrimps and put them in the dwarf puffer tank. It was really funny to watch 6 dwarf puffers stalking each of the shrimps. But it was also funny because within a few minutes there was literally 5 petsmart employees crowding around watching the show. The cashiers even sent somebody from their group over to investigate what the commotion was all about.
if i had been unlucky enough to have such a low paying job (at my age) and had been working that department and you did that, i would have smacked you upside the head, son. ;)
bkk_group said:
if i had been unlucky enough to have such a low paying job (at my age) and had been working that department and you did that, i would have smacked you upside the head, son. ;)
I would've done more than that.

Why do people commit crimes and then brag about them? And why do other people think it's funny?

Not only that, I'm shocked that someone who claims to be a fish lover, would take an innocent fish and sentence them to their death. :eek:
I find nothing funny about deliberately putting in a live fish as food for other fish. What would be funny about the suffering of a poor, defenseless animal? Around here it's even illegal to use live vertebrates as food, they must be killed first.
Morrgan said:
I find nothing funny about deliberately putting in a live fish as food for other fish. What would be funny about the suffering of a poor, defenseless animal? Around here it's even illegal to use live vertebrates as food, they must be killed first.
Well I'm so glad to see I'm not alone on this!!
You are not alone at all heresmike and Morrgan.

I am digusted. You are just trying to get people to argue with you again and I am getting bored of it. I am also worreid about what you're prepared to do to get a rise out of people.

That guppy could have been loved pet. I don't like that you people get so much enjoyment out of feeding live animals to your fish. For me it's something that has to be done (I feed frozen food). I do not like the way you relish the animals suffering and how it is being "stalked".
Only a juvenile moron would find that entertaining, i hope when you grow up you will realise what a senseless and cruel thing that was to do and feel ashamed of yourself.
you really are quite the sad little boy aren't you.
what gives you the right to decide whether the fish lived or died?
i think you should take a good look in the mirror and do some growing up.
people like you make me sick.
Dont want to play devils advocate, but in the wild, that happens all the time every second, infact killing an vertabrate to feed it to something isnt that exactly the same? possibly even worse as the fish suffers while its out of the water awating mr. guiltine, in the wild that gup and probably about 20 other different types of fish would of been food for the oscar that very day. Although i do think it was stupid to nick a fish and feed it in the shop, thats just well i dont think the moderators would like such words being used. But i do agree with feeding live fish, as it stimulates natural reactions and well we are keeping fish in puddles we want to try and keep life as real as possible surely. So are you all against me feeding live shrimp and snails to my puffer?? they maybe inverts but still a member of the animal family.

Chill out guys
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