I'm Losing Tiger Barbs


New Member
Mar 6, 2009
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The past week, I have lost two of my Green Barbs. They were the newest addition to my community. I purchased them from a LFS that I normally do not shop at. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary wrong with them. This morning I woke to find one of my larger Cherry Barbs not eating and very lethargic. He has white spots all over his body. :( He has Ich. I removed him from the tank and put him in a breeding tank. This is my first battle with Ich and have read a bunch of info here on treating the parasite. I am going to get meds on my lunch break to treat the tank. I am going to remove the carbon filters and raise water temp. I will do a 50% water change this afternoon and a gravel cleaning. Anything else? I am really bummed. Wish me luck. :unsure: :unsure:

I have 4 Tiger Barbs, 4 Cherry Barbs ( one sick ) and a golden algae eater. Lost 2 Green Barbs this week.
I had good success with raising the temperature slight in the tank to treat Ich in the past. Read up or do a search and you will get some recommendations.

Not sure how long your tank is up and running but make sure the water you put into your tank has been treated with a dechlorinator. I usually leave water overnight or at least 6+ hours treated with a dechlorinator before adding to tank. Also clean filter media, etc in the tank water you removed from the tank and not under the tap. You may already know all of this but just thought I'd include it.

I had good success with raising the temperature slight in the tank to treat Ich in the past. Read up or do a search and you will get some recommendations.

Not sure how long your tank is up and running but make sure the water you put into your tank has been treated with a dechlorinator. I usually leave water overnight or at least 6+ hours treated with a dechlorinator before adding to tank. Also clean filter media, etc in the tank water you removed from the tank and not under the tap. You may already know all of this but just thought I'd include it.


Thank you.
My 20 gallon tank has been up and running for about four months. A really close friend of mine has kept fish for decades and has taught me good housekeeping and maintenance. I do weekly water changes, b-weekly filter changes and gravel cleaning. I test my water every other day. My fish recieve a well balanced variety diet. I spend hours a week with these guys. Just a little bummed out and needed to vent my problem.

From what I have read, I will most likely lose the sick Barb, is this correct? - Mike
You say you do filter changes bi weekly, how do you mean? You shouldnt need to change the filter media that often and certainly not all at the same time, at most, filter media needs a quick clean in TANK water once a month, depending on filter type, fish load etc.

As for the ich, raise the temp to 80-82, this will encourage the parasite to fall off the fish, once its in the gravel/free swimming is when its vulnerable to medication, it needs to find a fish host quickly, if it doesnt, then it cannot survive.

Do the water change/gravel vac, remove the carbon and start to raise the temperature, also increase aeration in the tank as higher temps and medication will drop your 02 levels, then start the meds, follow the course, if you need to do a w/c in the course of the treatment, just remember to re-dose for the amount of meds you have removed from the water. You may need to do two course of medication to get rid of it.
You say you do filter changes bi weekly, how do you mean? You shouldnt need to change the filter media that often and certainly not all at the same time, at most, filter media needs a quick clean in TANK water once a month, depending on filter type, fish load etc.

As for the ich, raise the temp to 80-82, this will encourage the parasite to fall off the fish, once its in the gravel/free swimming is when its vulnerable to medication, it needs to find a fish host quickly, if it doesnt, then it cannot survive.

Do the water change/gravel vac, remove the carbon and start to raise the temperature, also increase aeration in the tank as higher temps and medication will drop your 02 levels, then start the meds, follow the course, if you need to do a w/c in the course of the treatment, just remember to re-dose for the amount of meds you have removed from the water. You may need to do two course of medication to get rid of it.

I was running a smaller charcoal filter ( Top Fin 10 ) so I would change it every two weeks or at least wash it. I have now upgraded to a larger double charcoal filtration system.
The infected fish has been put into a separate tank. I am really hoping I can save her.
None of the other fish have the white spots on them. I examined each one of them very close this morning. I am hoping to catch this in time that my other fish do not get infected too.
Thank you for your advice. - Mike
Dont know your filter so cant say anymore on that. But on most filters, you dont need the carbon unless removing meds, thats all its useful for really and the filter sponges, bio rings etc only need replacing rarely and the odd rinse now and again.

With ich its best to treat the entire tank even if the other fish have no signs of the parasite, but its your choice, good luck, hope she makes it.
I will treat the whole tank. Thanks again. Any certain med that you would recommend over another for treatment? There are quite a few. - Mike
Whereabouts are you, for instance, UK, US, Europe?

In the UK, Interpet whitespot treatment or protozin are IMO the best, personally I use protozin.
I am in the U.S. I have read about Protozin. I will see if I can get it at my F.S. Thank you! :good:
Well, I went home on my lunch break to check on things and the Cherry Barb in the hospital tank didn't make it. :-(
Just wanted to update and say thank you for all the advice. I have been treating the tank for Ich for the past three days with Quick Cure and although it turns the water blue in the tank, the rest of my Barbs are doing fine and so far have had no adverse effects to the medication. On a different note, I visited Living Sea fish store in Park Ridge, Illinois and the staff were great and knowledgable as could be. Thank you for the info as I did not know of the store until I joined this forum. Much appreciated! - Mike

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