I'm Leaving For Good.

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If you still like fish forums but just not this one and you want to know of another one you could go to ...mod edit... I used to be a member there but....nvm you should go there. :hey:
Check the next to last paragraph ;)

(1) you posted the link in a public thread that is almost assuredly going to be read by Wuv at some point

(2) there's an edit button on all of your posts for a reason; just delete it!
I'm going to rant here. . .

In this day & age we constantly being ingored and such. Personal communciation has gone out the door and replaced w/ smiles.

I understand that this person is upset and thinks he/she got mistreatment - but it goes w/ the game.

I'm sorry you had to decided to leave. I've been to other forums and honestly - this is the best forum I've been to. :thumbs:
Over my short time of being on TFF I've been through a lot, from nasty comments, harassment, to just being ignored. I'm tired of it.



oh man, that's the best "goodbye" post i've ever read, cudo's for the visuals as well :lol: :rolleyes:
I know that thelastbetta probably won't reply to this thread if she is indeed leaving but she might at least read the comments, some of which were exactly what she said she was leaving for. I haven't read all the threads she has started so I'm not going to say she is right or wrong or pass judgement either way. If you truely want her to stay, I would suggest sending a sincere email or PM to her, especially if you think she has/gives good advice and is a asset to the forums. Nothing better to make someone feel welcome.
mmkay. Locking this now as there is no point. I haven't read it all since I'm not at home ,but sorry lastbetta. Good luck with your fishies.
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