I'm Leaving For Good.

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Wow. :blink:

I'm sorry you felt ignored. I read most of your posts in the betta section, but I didn't see any ignorance or rudness, really. I know I didn't reply to some of yours because I didn't feel the urge to. But that doesn't mean I didn't read everything you wrote. Especially on the sick betta ones, I don't know enough to help anyone.

Perhaps the negativity came from a different section of this forum. Although I've never experienced it. Quite a bit dramatic exit though..... Good luck finding somewhere else.

I personally love TFF. But that's just me..... -_-

edit: I just checked her posts for rudeness....found none in the betta section. ????
Boo bloody Hoo, dont judge me too harsh if i say good riddance. Ive had plenty of posts ignored or not answered.It doesnt mean people dont care?? They have there own problems to sort. I had a dying fish in my early days and i posted to the emergency post, i received 19 replies within 5 minutes, then another time i received none....Ce la Vie!!!!!

that was, i must say, very rude.

and you spelled "c'est la vie" wrong.

so what, the person is leaving. Yeah, we all have experienced being "ignored", so it was a little drastic to leave, but that gives you NO RIGHT t ocomment so RUDELY and IGNORANTLY. you could just post that you dont agree, but bye and good luck anyway.

i agree as well that i dont see any rude remarks (besides barry p, in this thread....) and i hope there might be a mind change about the whole thing once it all blows over and everyones calmer about things, but im not going to go bashing and insulting.

good luck, and bye. we'll miss you, really.

oh, and i read your posts, but like someone else said, sometimes people just dont know what to say.
Sorry you feel this way about TFF :/

I saw your recent post but didnt have an answer for you and I believe in the past we have been asked not to just say "sorry can't help you" as its classed as a form of spamming. Am I wrong on this :dunno:

I know this is a big forum but it is possible for there to be nobody around to reply to you at certain times in the day like when us UK peeps have got up and gone to work or whatever and the overseas peeps aren't out of the land of nod yet. It can seem like a ghost town :alien:

As for the nasty comments, well I don't believe they help anyone at all and as good old Thumper says in Bambi "if you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all" :D
and you spelled "c'est la vie" wrong.

So you have never made a spelling mistake before?

Anyway, back on topic!

Shame to see someone leave instead of trying to resolve their issues :/ Or is this attention seeking? Hope its not but it's still a shame to see someone unhappy with what I think is a great forum!
The account is innactive now anyway, so perhaps we should just leave this un-productive thread where it is and let it drift off... :/ :/ :/
Thanks for the spell check, French was never my best subject. And thanks also for the comment about my thread being rude. I suppose it is ironic that the first rude thread anyone read was in relation to these original "mysterious" rude mails. I apologise to anyone who thought my thread was rude but this whole thing stinks of attention seeking...sorry but thats my view! My last word! Thats it, im leaving this site....you see!!! lol
Hope I do not offend to anybody. Am not a mod... but I think best we end this here... so am asking we excercise volutary moderation.

Sorry to see another member go... but that is her choice, so let us let it be.

Lets go back to talking about betta's.
I think this may be nothing more then someone feeling sorry for themselves that they aren't as "popular" as some other members and thus they feel disassociated/unwelcome/ignored. I'm sure this person has the same dilema IRL as well, and probably feels the same way regarding it..just harder to set up this situation up IRL, then it is in an online community.

Some people need attention more then others, seems this may be the case here. They want to be told that they are loved, needed, wanted and that if they leave that they will be missed and/or longed for.

Could be the start, or middle of a depressive episode...who really knows, depressives tend to keep that type information to themselves in fear of ridicule from peers. With the dramatic art, that's what it seems like to me. Homelife may not be so grand, lack of friends may be weighing down on them, or there could be lack of longed for social interaction....whatever it is..it was definately a cry out.

Where we don't see the rude comments, this person may have taken things that were said out of context and closer to heart then we would have...you never know how someone will percive what you type...letters have no feeling behind them...not like spoken words...there is no voice to transfer feeling..and alot of times people take what is typed alot harsher then it was intened to be (guilt also plays in on this as well at times, if someone knows that something they are doing (or aren't doing) isn't quite right, they will take repsonses that were not inteded to be rude as being harsh).

TLB, if you're reading this....I think you need to have some counseling for your problems...they will only get worse if you don't try to solve them in the early stages. And from past experience, with others who have presented the same type outbursts, this is a early warning sign of troubled waters ahead.
An online forum is not the place to find love and acceptance...it will never satisfy you nor will it ever be enough...and you will find yourself feeling this way time and time again...seek a real person to talk through your feelings with.

Good Luck in your search.
You seriously need to think before you type. Did you even read what was posted? I suggested she get soem counseling..and not in an online form.

If you have nothing constructive to input regarding matters of this nature..I suggest that you refrain from responding.

This is what we do here..on this fish forum..we help people...regardless of it it involves fish or not. We are a family (that's why it's the friendliest forum..get it?).
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