I'm Leaving For Good.

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Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC
Over my short time of being on TFF I've been through a lot, from nasty comments, harassment, to just being ignored. I'm tired of it.


???WHY???? :-( :-( :/ ???? . Well if your interested please look at my sig. Not doing any advertising at all :rolleyes: :shifty: . Sorry you have to leave. If you can tell me the person , I'll be happy to take care of him/her for you :sly: .Well hope you change your mind and look at my sig.
I don't feel like people necessarily ignored your posts. Sometimes people don't know what to respond or whatever. You shouldn't take it personally. Though some comments sound nasty, I bet a lot have good intention for you and your fish.
... I must have just completely missed these nasty remarks you speak of? :huh:

Anyway, I'm sorry you feel that way, it was nice having you around
No, Thats supposed to show people were ignoring the thread. See the "Why isnt anyone replying this thread?" or something like that...

-Arrowhead :ninja:
That's too bad. I always appreciated your input in my threads, but it's your choice.
I hope you find others who are reliable out there with lots of knowledge about fish incase you have questions. Have a good one!
Not exactly sure what posts you are referring too. Sad to see you go, but its a free country.

Best of luck.
Huh.....I've also missed the mean remarks, but just because you don't got alot of hits, doesn't mean anything really. I have a lot of topics that have very few posts.....
This thread is technically against the rules. We're not supposed to have "I'm leaving" threads, but I'bve seen them in the last section before....I dunno.
I hate these threads cause it makes people sad, or w/e. I don't think they're worth it.
If you want to leave, leave, but we're not going to send a going away party, or a weeping party or anything, and usually threads like this are ment to get "Oh, please don't leave" remarks.
Beleive me, I've been going on off topic forums for years now. I know how these things happen.
I dont see any rude comments either but I just looked at some threads you started and the ones I looked at I saw people respond but I didn't see you respond back. So why would people keep posting if your not even doing it?

But whatever, See ya
That was a little bit dramatic. I don't know of any threads where anyone got particularly malicious, but if there were, then I'm sorry that happened. Though, I must say, you can pretty much expect some threads to get ignored or barely responded to at any forum. :/
Obviously noone knew the answer to your questions, I don't think anyone on here ignores peoples questions on purpose. I would rather noone respond to me if they didn't know for sure if they were giving good advice. I know that I read your thread yesterday, didn't know how to help, so I didn't reply....... better to get no advice than to get bad advice........ oh yeah, and goodluck in finding a perfect forum...... if you find one, share please........
odd... this is one of the most helpful and good natured forums i have been on for any subject matter..
Boo bloody Hoo, dont judge me too harsh if i say good riddance. Ive had plenty of posts ignored or not answered.It doesnt mean people dont care?? They have there own problems to sort. I had a dying fish in my early days and i posted to the emergency post, i received 19 replies within 5 minutes, then another time i received none....Ce la Vie!!!!!
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