I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
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Hi everybody I'm new here and have always wanted to breed fish and guppies seem easiest.I already have experience in tropial fish we have a 20gal planted tank and and a 5 gallon planted goldfish bowl. So im thinking about getting two 20 gallon tanks with a sponge filter each and a heater they would both be bare bottom tanks and i would have a few java ferns in each and a 10 gallon for raisingup the baby fry if any body hasany extra info that i might need or any advice it would all be apreciated :D 8) :D
i dont think you can give too much advice for breeding guppies

just put a male and a female together and every 4 weeks you'll see some fry

*2 females to a male*

good luck
Thanks oh and i wasnt trying to give out advice sorry if it seeemed that way.~93@c3 !$ T(-)3 W@y~
Yep Shure have (and dont worry thats not a zit on my avatar its marker because i was making inspirational signs to hang up around my gold fish tank!!!0
First piece of advice: don't breed guppies unless you have an outlet for them. Every female guppy in your tank can produce 20-40 babies every month and even if you take the male out, she can still store sperm for about 7 more pregnancies. That is a whole load of guppies.

Secondly, don't put one male and one female together as suggested above; she will be worn out! 2-3 females per male is the recommended ratio.

Other than that - have fun!
Yep I definetley have about four local stores that would buy or trade for some guppy babies.
Yep Shure have (and dont worry thats not a zit on my avatar its marker because i was making inspirational signs to hang up around my gold fish tank!!!0
Oh, okay good, that's what I've been worrying about for the last few days!


I'm glad you have a place to put the fry, that's a big factor. Also, (this is off the subject) but the Goldfish needs more then 5 gallons. At least 20 gallons. So you may want to use one of your tanks for that, first of all....
Yeah were probally gonna get him his own 20gal. he is less than an inch right now :D (i jinxed my self now i got a zit on my chin :-(
Oh, okay, good. He will quickly grow, and you don't want to risk stunting him, so ASAP is best.

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