There was one at my LFS. I had beenat the store asking about all and every fish inthe store and I decided if I went for anything it would be a Queen Arabesque they had. I noticed a guy in the corner of my eye walking over to the the area near the tank but thought he can't be doing anything other than checking so I carried on talking to my mate down there for all info on them but he had no idea (second time ever he did not know anything about the fish I wanted. The first was a freswater flounder that they had no idea about food for it etc. Still there living on something!). I then said I will take the Queen and he walked over to the tank and caught her (sounds girly being a queen) and took her to the counter. Just by chance somebody else asked what was in the bag so I replied a Queen Arabesque. This nosey bugger had only just gone and reserved my little beauty and that was why the man walked over there. She had to go back and two weeks later she is still sat in the tank and waiting to be picked up! Bet you he don't want it no more and someone else will buy her knowing my luck!