I'm Back


Mar 8, 2009
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well as you might know already I came back from my hols. I was happy to see Pebbles again. my neighbor could not feed him so I had to ask my brother for a 7 day fish feeder figuring out he doesn't have any so we had to give him an algae wafer for him to eat when I was gone so I came home and when I turned on the light he got really active, so I fed him a couple blood worms to make him happy.

and a question: during the summer my bedroom tends to get infested with insects and I figured out that I have a meat eater (actually according to a book I have, there omnivores but they are healthier and happier with meat) so I was wondering if Bettas can eat insects?
Hello :) Hope you had fun, even though you didn't take me :p

I suppose a betta may eat tiny insects that land on the water, but you have be careful as some can turn into nasties like Damsel flies :crazy:
thanks guys!
most of the time, there are flies and mosquitoes in my room because thats what you get in Canadian summers.
thanks guys!
most of the time, there are flies and mosquitoes in my room because thats what you get in Canadian summers.

your room sounds great! :lol:

i have ants!! lol came in with all of the plants i brought inside for winter, and it seems they multiplied.... :unsure:
You could try getting some mosquito larvae to feed your betta as an occasional treat. Just fill a clean bucket with water and leave it in a sunny/warm place. Don't forget to top up the water if it starts to evaporate/dry up. Hopefully you should get mosquitos laying their eggs in the water, and when the larvae hatch, you can catch them in a fish net and feed a few to your betta.
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!

Ants love warmer climates...lol Umm, forgive me Squiremaster, but an algae wafer for food? Most fish will peck on an algae wafer as a snack, or as last resort, but in the short time I have kept bettas, none (I've had 5) have ever looked at algae wafers. I know it was a last minute thing, but couldn't you have gotten a 'holiday feeding block' or automatic feeder? Just a thought for next time you go away for a while.

BTW, hope you enjoed your holiday!! (We did, from you!!!lol) Only kidding mate, glad to see you back. Any pics of your hols?
well basically, algae wafers were the only food we had.

P.S I'll try to get some pics of seaworld in as soon as I can.
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!


*SMACKS IT WITH A HUGE BOOT* I HATE CENTIPEDES! :shout: That is the one insect garaunteed to make me scream like a little girl and flail madly.
PLEASE squiremaster, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to sound criticising. I just hate the idea od a betta going hungry and eating something he'd rather not. Of course you did what you had to, and I am so glad your betta made it enough to give you a warm greeting (Prob more of "feed me, feed me" lol), but maybe next time if all else fails, a 'holiday feeding block' or automatic feeder might be preferable. It might not mean quite such a warm response (ie not so keen to see you and beg for food) but at least he will have something a bit more palatable to eat. I am still quite new to these forum thingys and getting my ideas across in just text on screen alone is proving difficult....lol

Squiremaster, seriously, I never meant any offence, nor will I mean to unless I make it clear that I do (which hopefully I never will). Welcome back buddy!

EDIT:- Just had to laugh out loud for real!! Soooooo- there is SOMETHING that makes Honeythorn squeal!!!! lol Gotcha now hard nut gal!...rofpmsl

EDIT EDIT (lol):- That isnt a centipede Honeythorn, it's a wat-ya-may-call-it.....lol

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